The following lists updates to the Syncplicity iPhone app.
Additional information:
December 2024
iPhone 4.13
- Office files support for iOS 18.
February 2024
iPhone 4.11
- Rebranding and office files support for iOS 17.
- Security improvements
November 2021
iPad 4.10.1
- Added support for iOS 15.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue which in some cases results in PDF file contents not being displayed properly.
- Fixed an issue which, in rare cases, prevents users from logging into the iOS app from a MobileIron MDM managed device.
April 2021
iPhone 4.10
- Added video and audio streaming support for MP4, .MOV, .3GP, .M4A and .MP3 file types. For more information see Stream audio and video on iPhone.
- Additional information is displayed when accessing locked files. For more information see File locking on iPhone.
- Large files upload is improved.
- Security improvements and bug fixes.
Known issues
- Uploads, which are still in progress during upgrade, will be cancelled. Make sure you do not have pending files in the upload queue at the time of upgrade
November 2020
iPhone 4.9.3
- Improved diagnostics
Bug fixes
- Fixed several issues in the integration with native Files application, where certain file or folder operations were not successful in iOS 13 or iOS 14.
- Fixed issue with uploading e-mail attachments to Syncplicity from the native iOS Mail app.
September 2020
iPhone 4.9.2
- Added support for iOS 14
- Security enhancements
Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue, where in certain cases users were not able to authenticate against folders with storage vault authentication (SVA)
- Fixes a compatibility issue with MobileIron MDM suite, which prevented the Syncplicity iOS app to be managed
- Fixes an issue, where users were not able to navigate to the Terms of Service page from the registration screen
- Fixes an issue, where in certain cases the list of files and folders was freezing
Known issues:
- Paste action can fail when Pasting files into Syncplicity from other locations using Files App. Workaround: Open the Syncplicity App and use '+' Upload functionality.
- Create new folder action can fail when Creating folders in Syncplicity location from within File App. Workaround: Open the Syncplicity App and use Create folder functionality.
February 2020
iPhone 4.9.1
- Fixed an issue where certain folders protected with storage vault authentication (SVA) could not be accessed.
January 2020
iPhone 4.9.0
- Updated look and feel for better user experience.
- Newly created top-level folders (syncpoints) are now SyncDrive. On desktops these are displayed as cloud folders.
- A lock icon displays for files that are locked using the file-locking feature on and desktop client applications.
- Security improvements and bug fixes including:
- Layout issues related to previewing PDF files on specific devices have been fixed.
- Activity feed now shows data for files stored in storage vault authentication folders.
- Fixed an issue where in some rare cases a file is uploaded to the parent folder of the selected upload destination.
March 2019
iPhone 4.8.0
- User experience improvements such as the App logo update and the rename of the "Favorite" feature to "Offline".
- 'Open Office Files in Microsoft Apps' on mobile is now controlled by the Microsoft Office Documents Policy. The Microsoft Office Online integration must be enabled in the tenant Settings.
- Bug fixes and security improvements including, filenames of the first two files are the same when multiple files are uploaded from upload screen.
November 2018
iPhone 4.7.3
Fixed an issue where, in some rare cases, the app loading indicator (spinner) cannot be dismissed.
iPhone 4.7.2
Bug fixes
October 2018
iPhone 4.7.1
Bug fixes
September 2018
iPhone 4.7.0
- Internal updates for better performance.
- Bug fixes and user-experience improvements, including:
- Fixed when sometimes large PDF files could not be loaded due to insufficient memory.
- Fixed when spreadsheet pivot tables could not be previewed in Syncplicity. Previewing now is supported in read-only mode.
April 2018
iPhone 4.6.0
- Files App integration improvements including new design, search, sort, additional file and folder actions. For more information see Files app.
- Various user experience improvements for high-resolution devices.
- Optimized screen layout for iPhone X.
- Preview
images and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) encoded MOV files in Syncplicity on compatible iOS devices. - Bug fixes, including:
- Fixed an issue where certain password-protected PDF files could not be previewed
- Fixed an issue where in some cases Syncplicity's passcode could not use Face ID
- Fixed a record-playback issue with AirPods
November 2017
iPhone 4.5.1
- Fixed an issue where iOS Mail App cannot add attachments from Syncplicity.
- Fixed a crash on iOS 11 when using "Quick Look."
- Fixed a crash on iOS 11 when saving images from Syncplicity to your device using "Save Image."
October 2017
iPhone 4.5.0
- User experience has been enhanced when sharing is blocked by data loss prevention policies.
- Multi-level sub-folder sharing is supported. See Sharing a folder on iPhone.
- Added support for Microsoft Intune version 5.
- Added support for VMware AirWatch version 9. See Managing iOS devices using AirWatch.
- Mobile notifications service has been improved.
- Bug fixes and improvements, including:
- Fixed bugs related to mobile device management with MobileIron
- Adding Syncplicity as a place in Microsoft Office apps for iOS now reuses the Syncplicity app active session
August 2017
iPhone App 4.4.2
Bug fixes
July 2017
iPhone App 4.4.1
Bug fixes and optimizations
June 2017
iPhone App 4.4.0
- Edit and view Word, Excel and PowerPoint files in the Microsoft Office apps installed on the iPhone. Requires Office apps version 2.2.1 and above, and a subscription to Microsoft Office 365; without subscription, permission is view only.
- Improved user experience when sharing is restricted.
- Sharing of files and folders is enabled for groups by providing the exact group name.
- Localization improvements.
- View support for macro-enabled workbooks.
- Improvements related to shared link recipient search.
- Bug fixes and user experience enhancements, including:
- Enhancement in policies restricting external shared links
- Fixed issue where PPSX, PPS files could not be edited
- Fixed issue where videos cannot be played in slideshows
- Known limitations in this release:
- Should be prevented from being able to try and save a document in Syncplicity root folder in Microsoft Office apps. User will receive an error and must select a folder in which to save.
- Should be prevented from being able to try and create a folder in Syncplicity root folder in Microsoft Office apps. User will receive an error.
- Password protected PDF files cannot be opened when protected with 256bit AES encryption.
- Save as PDF option is not available only for files that are opened in Syncplicity from external iOS apps.
March 2017
iPhone App 4.3.0
- Added support for accessing SyncDrive folders from the iOS app
- Bug fixes, including:
- Fixed issue where shared link recipient lookup was slow for company accounts with very large numbers of users. When adding shared link recipients, user lookup still includes results from both company account and local device contacts, but on the add contact screen accessed through the ‘+’ icon, now only local device contacts are available for selection.
February 2017
iPhone App 4.2.0
- Improved performance and stability of Favorites when the app is in the background
- Bug and crash fixes, including:
- In-app Viewer/Editor: fixed incorrect viewing of certain PDFs and PDF annotation performance lag
- Panorama: fixed crash when accessing SharePoint folder
January 2017
iPhone App 4.1.0
- Background synchronization of favorite files and folders with app in background
- Added support for Affiliate Sharing. The Administrator can keep control of company content while facilitating collaboration with affiliate companies
- Added an expiration date to shared links to files
December 2016
iPhone App 4.0.0
- Add support for PrivacyRegions
- Fixed iOS 10 bugs
- Known issue: On the previous app version (3.11.1) user is not able to see EU recipients name on the manage screen
September 2016
iPhone App 3.11.0
- Favorites now sync in priority order. Recently-changed files sync first, ensuring that you get the content you need more quickly.
- Favorites now upload and download in the background. See below for current limitations.
- Changed files now upload and download in the background, so if you start a download or upload and then switch out of the app, file transfer will continue.
- The “Get Help” link on the Settings screen now opens the same web page as the desktop clients. This change allows companies to optionally replace the URL with their own specific support URL (Admins can contact Syncplicity for more details).
- A Privacy Policy link in the Settings screen displays the Syncplicity Privacy Policy
- Bug and crash fixes.
- Known limitations in this release:
- iOS adds a pause between each successive file that uploads or downloads in the background. While the files will continue to transfer, large numbers of files will take a large amount of time. This iOS limitation will improve in future versions.
- File updates that happen on the server, while the app is in the background, will not sync until Syncplicity is brought to the foreground. [For example, someone else changes a file in one of your Favorited folders.] This limitation will improve in future versions.
June 2016
iPhone App 3.10.0
- Enhanced folder sharing allows a folder owner to determine which recipients are allowed to share that folder. The folder owner can now select specific Editor or Reader recipients and allow them to re-share that folder. Previously, this ability was either on or off for all recipients. This option is set for individual shared folders.
- Improved file Upload experience makes it easier and quicker to upload files
- + icon allows you to add content directly from the Files view
- Upload button is now more visible as the primary call to action on the Uploads screen
- Last-used upload folder is remembered, so you don’t have to pick the destination folder every time you upload from the top level folders view
- Thumbnail image previews are now displayed for standard image files such as JPEG and PNG.
- AirWatch admins: a new PinLoginDomains key/value pair lets you whitelist the email domains that are allowed to log in on managed devices. This can be used to prevent a user on a managed device from logging out of their corporate managed Syncplicity account and logging back in to a personal or trial account.
- Stability enhancements and crash fixes.
April 2016
iPhone App 3.9.0
- Power Level sync settings are now automatic. When the battery level on your device drops below 20%, sync will pause. When you plug in your device, sync will resume.
- The ability to set Favorites no longer depends on battery level, group policies or other settings. You can always mark Syncplicity files and folders as Favorites. If your policies and battery level allow, then Favorites will sync (as long as the app is open in the foreground).
- You no longer need to watch the tutorials again if you happen to logout and log back in again! If you want to reset the tutorials and watch them again, choose “Reset First Time Launch” in the Settings screen of the Syncplicity app.
- Improved international support for the display of date, time, number and currency formats.
- Many bug and crash fixes, including:
- Improvements and fixes for Favorites
- Push notifications improvements
- Email notifications are sent properly when sharing links
- App is more responsive while syncing many files
- Fixes for multiple problems affecting data transfer limits
- Improvements to the way Group Policy overrides affect the app
- Security: when using network shares, remote data wipe now removes all bookmark info from the Favorites screen
March 2016
iPhone App 3.8.0
- Bug fixes
- Corporate login now happens inside the app, rather than switching to a web browser
- A “Login with a browser” link allows for Safari browser login if needed
- Share extension now lets you send files to Syncplicity from any app that supports the iOS Share feature: photos, videos, text files and more! This feature can also be used to save files from any of the Microsoft Office applications into Syncplicity
- Improvements to controlling Syncplicity policies when using AirWatch for mobile device management
February 2016
iPhone App 3.7.0
- Bug fixes
- Additional Microsoft Office file types supported
December 2015
iPhone App 3.6.0
- Added support for a new administration policy to control the timeout of mobile passcodes. The administrator can set an amount of time that the mobile application should wait, before the user is asked to re-enter a passcode.
- See deprecate - Platform release notes for more info.
- Fixed bugs related to mobile device management with MobileIron
- Fixed problems with opening attachments with Excel
- Fixed problems with working with Favorites
November 2015
iPhone App 3.5.0
- Bug fixes and stability improvements
- iOS 9 bug fixes