The following lists updates to the Syncplicity platform.
Additional information:
January 2025
New in this release
- Platform Improvements
- Security Improvements
September 2024
New in this release
- A new set of WOPI Icons (as per the latest Microsoft guidelines)
- Included "message" field in the Audit a shared link and All shared links reports.
- Bug Fixes
- Security Improvements
August 2024
New in this release
- Platform Improvements
- Security Improvements
June 2024
New in this release
- Platform Improvements
June 2024
New in this release
- Platform Improvements
- Other Fixes
June 2024
New in this release
Giving the possibility for the users to share a folder with an expiration date.
- Platform improvements
- Security Improvements
April 2024
New in this release
- Platform Improvements
April 2024
New in this release
- Sharing Files in Bulk - This feature allows sharing multiple files with the same recipient at once.
- Platform improvements
- Security Improvements
March 2024
New in this release
- Domain whitelisting for user provisioning.
- Platform improvements
- Security improvements
February 2024
New in this release
- Security updates
August 2023
New in this release
- Extend the user session for editing office documents to one hour (previously it was set to 30 minutes)
- Other bug fixes
July 2023
New in this release
- Fixed: DLP Connector failed to scan files if the connection to ICAP server is interrupted
Other bug fixes
May 2023
New in this release
- Fixed: Issue with invalid characters from password generator for shared links
Fixed: Some self-signed users were getting website errors upon clicking the invite token
Fixed: Shared links tracking function was not working for some specific files
Security improvements
Other bug fixes
August 2022
New in this release
- Look and feel improvements for some email notification templates.
- Improved loading time for syncpoints with very large numbers of shared subfolders.
- Bug fixes.
June 2022
New in this release
- Introduced a new feature - regular users are now able to run several reports without the need to contact an administrator. See Syncplicity user reports for detailed information.
To get this feature activated, email or contact your Syncplicity Customer Success manager. - Bug fixes.
May 2022
New in this release
- Fixed an issue, where selecting a different StorageVault in the Admin Dashboard does not update the "Storage consumed" information displayed on the page.
- Small UI improvements and bug fixes.
April 2022
New in this release
- Introduced support for Device Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) feature. When Device Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is enabled, Syncplicity will assess new device login attempts and can require users to first verify and confirm a device, before they can use it to access their account. For more information visit Device Multi Factor Authentication.
- Personal Edition users account verification and onboarding improvements.
- The option to download files and folders in bulk is now available to Personal Edition users for folders, shared to them by Business or Enterprise Edition users.
- Internet Explorer 11 is no longer a supported browser. See Supported platforms for information on the supported internet browsers and their versions.
- Bug fixes.
February 2022
New in this release
- Security updates and bug fixes.
December 2021
New in this release
- For Storage by user report, added information about when the pending offboarding period has expired.
- Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, trying to open a generated Syncplicity DLP or AVS report returns an error.
- Additional bug fixes.
September 2021
New in this release
- Introduced an improvement to the Anti Virus Scan feature. Administrators are now able to request a rescan of files, for which a scan has previously failed.
- Storage by user report can now be run only for users pending offboarding.
- Improvements to folders deletion flow.
- Bug Fixes
August 2021
New in this release
Introduced support for a new Anti Virus Scan feature. The AntiVirus Scanning (AVS) feature in Syncplicity allows you to connect Syncplicity to an AVS Engine for scanning of new or historical files and the subsequent control of actions within Syncplicity. Currently the use of the AVS feature requires a company-specific StorageVault with an ICAP AVS engine configured in an on-premise location or in a private cloud.
To get this feature activated, email or contact your Syncplicity Customer Success manager.
- Fixed an issue, where it was possible to create shared links with online editing permission for file formats, which are not supported by Office 365.
July 2021
New in this release
As a Syncplicity end-user, you can share Microsoft Office files and allow recipients to edit the files directly in their browser using Office Online. See Sharing a file in My Syncplicity for details.
- Syncplicity reports improvements:
- Link permission type added to the All shared files report
July 2021
New in this release
- Security improvements
- Bug fixes
June 2021
New in this release
- Improved text on landing page when trying to access a file protected by Syncplicity Rights Management.
- Bug fixes and security improvements
June 2021
New in this release
- New Syncplicity Rights Management admin setting added - Download protected files. It allows users to download protected files and view or edit them, based on the permissions they have been granted.
- Updated text in Syncplicity account inactivity email notifications.
- Bug fixes
April 2021
New in this release
- Accessibility improvements related to keyboard navigation and screen reader support.
- Bug fixes including but not limited to:
- Fixed issue where last login attempt IP is blank in "Your account has been temporarily locked due to many incorrect password attempts" email notification.
- Fixed issue that in some cases prevented re-sharing of a sub-folder by a user with Editor permissions, when the parent folder is also shared with a different user.
- Fixed issue initiating multiple email notifications after user email change, when the emails of a user in Syncplicity and Salesforce do not match - when using Syncplicity for Salesforce integration.
April 2021
New in this release
- Improvements in the "Active files pending deletion" report.
- Bug fixes
March 2021
New in this release
- Fixed an issue preventing the use of Search in case of multiple (500+) folders.
February 2021
New in this release
- Bug fixes
October 2020
New in this release
- Syncplicity for Salesforce performance is improved
Syncplicity reports improvements:
- Folder path information is added to the 'Company folders' report
- Recipient permissions information is added to the 'All shared folders' report
- Some bug fixes are addressed related to 'Share content' report
- Bug fixes
September 2020
New in this release
- Added two new report types (All shared folders, All shared links ) for Administrators to review the shared content.
- Bug fixes
August 2020
New in this release
- Syncplicity web application now supports Bulk Download of multiple files and folders. Please see Download files and folders in bulk for more information.
Known issues
- If you try downloading a file or folder which was shared with you but was deleted by the owner, the download request will fail with a "Your request could not be completed" notification. Refresh your browser to update the file and folder list to its most recent status.
April 2020
- Syncplicity web application now supports file locking and unlocking. When you are working on a file with multiple collaborators, you can lock the file. This prevents others from making changes until the lock expires or you unlock the file. See File locking.
- Enhancements for existing for email notifications. Notifications are sent when files in shared folders are uploaded the first time and when files are changed, creating new file versions. See Email and digest notifications.
- Syncplicity reports support more than 1 million rows.
- Drag-and-drop upload in root folder in the Syncplicity web application has been addressed.
- You can upload large files in the Syncplicity web application. No limitation on size, file type and user's connection speed.
- Streaming of HTML5 video files (MP4, WebM and Ogg) larger than 5 megabytes is supported in the Syncplicity web application.
Octobe 2019
- Drag-and-drop upload in root folder in the Syncplicity web application has been addressed.
July 2019
- Enhance the existing Active files retention policy
- Bug fixes
June 2019
- Mobile office policy
- Email customization behaviors
- Changes on MYSite for 'Syncdrive for all' feature of desktop
- Bug fixes
April 2019
Tagging on Syncplicity web application
March 2019
- Bandwidth Restriction policy
- Microsoft Office Documents policy
- Shared Link Password Protection policy enhancement for Outlook Add-in
December 2018
- Legal holds
- User and Group Lookup policy
November 2018
Rename SyncDrive files and folders
June 2018
May 2018
Create Office Documents on Web
March 2018
- Web Policy enhancement
- Application whitelisting and scopes
- External Sharing visibility:
- Objective: Our External sharing model has evolved to address 2-tiers (Internal and affiliate) and 3-tiers (Internal, Affiliate and External). In order to map the external and internal sharing model with folders, through this feature in Web, visual indicators (Outgoing External, Outgoing Affiliate, Incoming External, Incoming Affiliate or Outgoing Affiliate, External) will be associated with folders depending upon whether the folder has been shared to or received from a trusted partner.
- In Files, a user will see corresponding status under column ‘Type’ while an admin will see them in Manage Folders, under column ‘Shared’
- Example: For your tenant, under Incoming Shared Folder policy, if your partner is specified as an affiliate under Specific domains, then a folder received from partner will have status ‘Incoming Affiliate’ otherwise it will have status ‘Incoming External’.
- Next to the status, tooltip is also displayed.
- As part of phased roll-out, feature is ENABLED for a few tenants only.
January 2018
Email and digest notifications
December 2017
November 2017
June 2017
- Web client rebranding
- Updated the web client to reflect Syncplicity now being part of Syncplicity. Read the Press Release and find out more about Syncplicity. Over the next few months we will adding some new exciting features to our web client so keep a look out for that.
- If you have any feedback about the rebranded web client please send it to
March 2017
- Internal Group Sharing Restrictions
- Control internal company sharing between groups
- Enforce compliance where conflict of interest may be present
- Separate control for incoming and outgoing shares
- Enforce read-only for incoming shares
- Policy applies both to sharing of folders and files (where recipients are specified)
- New Policy Compliance admin report
- Documentation
- API User and Scope
- Limit scope of API access through Application Token
- New API User type
- Granular control of scope of access
February 2017
- Hide install tab company setting
- Admin is able to hide install tab from web user interface
- Prevent user download of Syncplicity clients in case of controlled enterprise rollout
- Documentation
December 2016
- Microsoft Office Online integration supporting viewing and editing of Office documents directly from Syncplicity web, details here
- Added support for Syncplicity PrivacyRegions which gives global customers concerned with data privacy and regulatory compliance the option to locate their company account in the US or EU PrivacyRegion, assuring that all their data, including personal information (PII), metadata and file content, is kept within the region of their choice, while also allowing users to seamlessly collaborate across regions with a single account
November 2016
- Security enhancement - block SSO bypass for Global Administrators
- Enhanced Folders Report to show StorageVault and Special folders
September 2016
- Multi-level sub-folder sharing
- Allow for natural organization of folders with waterfall permissioning
- Sharing any number folders in a folder hierarchy
- Inheritance of permissions from higher level shared folder
- Details on multi-level sub-folder sharing here
- Affiliate Sharing
- Keep control of company content while facilitating collaboration with affiliate companies
- Works with group-based policies to provide fine-grained content control
- Folder sharing to white-list of affiliate email domains
- Separate control for incoming and outgoing folder shares
- Enforce read-only for incoming folder shares
- Details of configuration described here
June 2016
- Company customization
- Customize support links from Syncplicity website
- Customize email footer for sharing email
- Customers can contact Syncplicity Support to enable customization
May 2016
- Folder Re-sharing Rights
- Restrict re-sharing of a folder to selected participants
- Re-sharing rights managed by Owner of folder or Global/Support Admins
- Optional email notifications to folder Owner when folder is re-shared
April 2016
- European Cloud Storage
- Select the storage location for files uploaded to Syncplicity Cloud
- Personal and Business Edition can choose US Cloud Storage or EU Cloud Storage
- Enterprise Edition Administrators can use multiple Cloud StorageVaults and on-premise StorageVaults with policy-driven Hybrid Cloud
March 2016
- End-user self service account lockdown
- Company setting to restrict end-users from performing self-service account changes
- Ensure Active Directory/LDAP is the source of truth of identity information, reducing auditing and security risks
- Business and Enterprise Edition Global Administrators can lockdown users’ ability to change their name, add email addresses, or cancel their account
February 2016
- New role eDiscovery Administrator user role
- Role provides read-only view of users, groups, folders, devices and reporting
- This privileged role includes the ability to impersonate a user without the user being notified (allows a user to be investigated without their knowledge)
- eDiscovery Admins can be constrained to only view and impersonate users that are members of groups they have been assigned to manage (group-based admin feature)
- Group-based administration
- Applies to the Support Admin and new eDiscovery Admin roles
- Global Admins can assign up to 5 groups of users to manage (if no groups are assigned Admin’s ability to manage all users remains)
- Admins that have been assigned groups to manage can only access the user accounts of users within these groups and only these user's objects (folders, devices, audit trails, etc.)
December 2015
Mobile Passcode Enforcement Policy updated to support an optional passcode re-entry time setting (supported on iOS App 3.6.0 and higher, and Android App 3.2.5 and higher)
Admin console user interface improvements