The shared links feature allows you to share your files with others. The rights management feature allows you to protect your files.
Shared links
A shared link is a URL that users click to open the location of the file in a web browser.
You can create a public shared link, which is accessible to anyone who has the URL, or you can create a secured shared link where you can restrict who accesses the file. With a secured shared link, you can track who downloaded your files and when. You can also allow editing of secured Microsoft Office files directly from the browser, making collaboration between users easier. See Sharing a file in My Syncplicity for additional details.
Shared links are kept up-to-date, so if your file changes later, people who open or download the file using the shared link open the latest version.
Creating secured shared links is not available to Syncplicity Personal Edition users.
Rights management
For Syncplicity Enterprise Edition users, the rights management feature extends and enhances the capabilities of shared links by offering an added layer of protection to sensitive documents even after they have left your Enterprise and it continues to protect your file after it is downloaded. Your administrator can set a policy that allows you to secure your shared PDF or Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, or Excel) file. For details on the supported platforms, see Supported Platforms.
To protect a file you select the Editor or Reader role when you create the secured shared link. Your administrator decides which permissions are granted to each role. The permissions are shown when you select the role, and could include:
- View protected file: All authorized recipients are granted this permission by default.
- Edit protected files: Allow or deny modifying and saving the file content.
- Allow web preview: Users can view secure shared files in their web browser before downloading the file. This applies only to files stored in the cloud.
- Print: Allow or deny permission to print a document..
Watermark protected files: All protected files have a watermark, which is visible when printed.
- Allow screen capture: The FileSecure Lite client or plugin on Windows does not support full control of the screen-capturing behavior. The following screen-capture rules apply:
- For Windows, FileSecure Lite plugin, screen captures cannot be enabled in MS Office and cannot be disabled for PDF documents.
- For Mac, FileSecure Lite plugin, screen captures cannot be disabled.
For online viewing via the web browser, screen captures cannot be disabled.
- Allow offline access: Recipients can have the ability to access protected content when offline (for example, they are traveling or out of the office). This permission can be granted for a specific number of days.
When unauthorized recipients attempt to open the protected file, they are denied access, although the option to email the file's owner to ask for permission is provided. The recipients do not see the owner's email address or name.
When authorized recipients open the secure shared file, they can view the permissions granted to them. Authorized users also have the option to contact the owner of the file to request additional permission, such as a recipient asking to move them from the Reader role to the Editor role or to open the file in a specific geographical location.
Recipients, even with the Editor role, cannot un-protect the file. The protection remains in place even when they download the protected file and upload it to a different Syncplicity folder.
The Syncplicity Rights Management feature is supported in all regions. For more information see Syncplicity Rights Management.
The expiration date of the shared link, if any, also applies to the protected file. Once expired, the file cannot be accessed. This includes the copies that were downloaded.