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About Offline folders and files on iPhone

Syncplicity Offline is a key functionality of the Syncplicity iPhone app that allows you to quickly access files and folders locally without an internet connection.  You can interact with these files just like any other file; however, they are always stored on your device and you do not have to worry about downloading the file while on the go. Offline content is continuously synced in the foreground or background (not suspended in background) when the app is actively running and the iPhone is connected to the network. All Offline files and folders display in one place in the Offline view. Should the app be interrupted due to network loss or app suspension and then restored, the app continues syncing the Offline items from where it left off, instead of starting over.

If you have not used the app for about 2 weeks, the application may ask you to reauthenticate before accessing your offline files. Authentication requires internet access, so open the Syncplicity app before going offline to ensure your app is authenticated with our servers.

To Offline a file or a folder, tap the context menu (mceclip0.png) of a file or a folder and then tap Offline. Once you mark any file, top-level folder, or a subfolder to Offline, it syncs locally and an orange star icon is displayed on the top right of the file or folder and all subfolders or files inside display with a green check mark indicating the content is synced. Folders also display with the size (MB) underneath the folder name.

To view your Offline content, tap Offline from the main menu. See Working with Offline files and folders for more information.

Large files or folders can consume much space and take time to download. You should only offline folders and files that you want to access quickly.

The offline content is not synced, when the app goes to background. You should open the Syncplicity app before going offline to make sure your offline content is in sync.
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