This section contains information about common problems that might occur with on-premise and cloud-based StorageVaults. Use this information to identify possible workarounds before you contact Syncplicity support.
- After an upgrade to a new OVA image Storage Connector is unable to read and write to NFS-mounted storage
- After upgrade to Storage Connector 3.2 the upload from customer-developed client application fails with 500 Internal Server Error: IO
- Logging does not work after upgrade to Storage Connector 3.2 or newer
- Storage access tokens do not expire if accessTokenTTL is set to zero
- Storage Connector 3.2 or newer fails to start up and the log file contains a message related to parsing a block mapping
- Storage Connector returns a timeout error for NFS-mounted storage
- Unable to list, upload and download files in SVA-protected folders
- Unable to upload and download files from S3 storage
- Unable to upload or download files on Storage Connector 3.2 - "The bucket is in this region:<AWS region>"
- When I have issues with the Storage Connector, the Support team asks me about the version I am running