To edit or remove groups:
- Log in to as an administrator.
- Click Admin → Groups.
- To find a specific group, enter a full or partial group name in the search field. To refine the search, enter a full or partial name of a policy set.
- Select Enter or click the search icon to initiate the search.
- Click on the name of a group and modify the properties as needed.
- Click Save when done to apply your changes.
You can modify the following properties:
- Group Name: Change the name of the group to any name you choose. The name must be unique.
- Storage Quota: If you do not wish to allow the users in this group to have full access to the company storage, check the Enable Storage Quota box then enter the amount of storage in GB. Quotas can only be allocated in multiples of 1 GB. If users already have a storage quota, you can uncheck Enable Storage Quota and have the users access the entire company storage. For more information on storage quota, see Allocating storage quota for a group
- Members: Click Remove to remove current users. Enter or click the company directory link to add users.
- Policy sets: Choose a different policy set. For more information, see Understanding group and global policies.
- Storage sets: Choose a different storage set. For more information, see Configuring and managing storage sets.
- Shared Folders: You can change the group's permission of a folder that has been shared with the group. The permission choices are Editor, Reader or none. If you wish to share folders or change the folders shared with this group, click Admin → Folders. For information about sharing folders, see Managing your company's folders.
TIP: If adding one user to multiple groups or removing one user from multiple groups, it may be easier to do so from the Edit User screen which can be reached via Admin → User Accounts → (select user to be edited) → Groups (Manage).
To delete a group, click Delete Group underneath Tasks. When you delete a group, all data related to the group is deleted. Also, the policies and storage location of the users belonging to the deleted group may change.