You can use groups to organize users based on any criteria, such as organization or job function, so that you can apply the same settings to multiple users at once.
As well as creating, editing, and deleting groups, you can apply the following features to a group:
Quota allocation
By default, every Syncplicity Business and Enterprise Edition user has access to the full company quota. However, you can allocate a specific storage quota to a group. Enterprise Edition accounts can have more than one StorageVault; in this case, the storage quota of a group is applicable only to the group's default StorageVault.
The storage quota feature allows you to limit the amount of space for each group. The maximum value a group can have is the company quota. However, a company with 500 GB quota can have a 500 GB group with 5 members, where each member can use up to 500 GB. Once the 500 GB is consumed, clients for that account can no longer upload or download files even though individual users may still have space available in their quota.
Should you enable this feature, the quota specified applies to each member of the group. For example, a group has 10 members and the storage quota is set to 2GB; each member can access 2 GB of storage. If all members reach their limit, the group uses 20 GB. Storage includes active files, deleted files and previous versions. When you assign storage quota to a group, the size cannot be greater than the size of the group's default StorageVault for Enterprise Edition users or Company Storage for Business Edition users.
You can specify the storage quota when you create a group, or change the quota by editing the group.
For more information, see Allocating storage quota for a group.
Policy sets
A policy set is a collection of various security, collaboration, desktop, mobile and web policies that can be applied at the group level.
This feature allows you to assign different policies to different groups. For example, one group may handle very sensitive information. For this group, you would want such policies as remote data wipe when a device is removed from the user's account, require passwords to every shared link, allow sharing only within the company, and restrict file downloads when the user is in specific geo-locations. Another group may handle general information, where security does not need to be as strict.
Each policy set can be assigned to multiple groups. However, each group can have only one policy set.
Should a user be a member of multiple groups with different policy sets, you can prioritize the policy sets so that the highest priority policy set is always applied to the user.
For more information, see Understanding group and global policies.
Storage sets
A storage set is the assignment of one or more user groups to a specific StorageVault. The Syncplicity account has one default storage set that is applicable to all users in the account if no other storage set is assigned to them. The storage set feature is only available to Enterprise Edition accounts with multiple StorageVaults.
This feature allows you to assign different StorageVaults to different groups through storage sets. For example, your company may want to have specific storage endpoints dedicated to the executives. In this case, you can assign the executive group to a storage set that contains a StorageVault not used by any other group.
For more information or to manage groups and storage sets, see Configuring and managing storage sets.
Folder and file sharing
Folders and the files within those folders can be shared with groups. While managing groups, you can easily view all the folders shared with a specific group.
This feature allows you to change the group's permission for a shared folder to Editor, Reader, or no permission.
For more granular control of a shared folder, see Managing shared folders for the group.