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User change management

A user's status can change over time, resulting in changes to the user's Syncplicity account. These changes include role change, leave of absence, loss or theft of a device, and leaving the company.

The following sections describe the resulting Syncplicity tasks in each scenario. Most of these tasks can be accomplished in the Manage User page, which is accessible by clicking AdminUser Accounts then clicking on the specific user's name. 


NOTE: A Support Administrator can perform most, but not all, of these tasks. A Global Administrator is needed to change a user's role, or delete a user account. For more information about the Support and Global Administrator roles, see About administrator roles.

Changing roles or moving to another department

Should a user have a change of responsibilities, such as moving to another department or being promoted to a new position, perform the following:

  • Review the list of the user's groups. You may need to add the user to different groups, and remove the user from existing groups. You can view and change a user's membership in groups from the Manage User page. For the detailed procedure, refer to the Manage user accounts.
  • Review the folders shared with the user. You may need to add, change permission, or remove the user from folders. You can view and change a user's access to shared folders from the Manage User page. For the detailed procedure, refer to the Manage folder ownership and permissions.
  • Review the user's personal folders. These are the folders on the user's system that are synchronized to the Syncplicity account. Most likely, the default folders, such as Desktop, Documents and Photos, do not need to be changed; however, you may need to remove or add custom folders. For the detailed procedure, refer to the Manage user accounts.
  • Review folders owned by the user. You may need to change ownership of specific folders currently owned by the user. Use the Manage Folder page to change folder ownership. For the detailed procedure, refer to the Manage folder ownership and permissions.

User is on an extended leave of absence

Should a user have an extended leave of absence, perform the following:

  • Determine whether to disable the account until the user returns. While disabled, the user cannot log in. You can disable the account by clicking the Disable account link on the right side of the Manage User page.
  • Review folders owned by the user. You may need to temporarily change ownership of specific folders currently owned by the user. Use the Manage Folder page to change folder ownership. For the detailed procedure, refer to the Manage folder ownership and permissions.

User loses a device containing Syncplicity files

Should a user lose a device, or a device is compromised, you can remove the device from the user's account. To do this, click Admin → Devices. In the Manage Devices page, you can search devices by owner. Click on the device name.

If the remote device policy is configured to automatically delete the Syncplicity files on a device that is removed from a user account, the Manage Device page informs you that the files and folders synchronized or downloaded from the Syncplicity account will be deleted. Click the Wipe and Remove button.

If the remote device policy is not configured to automatically delete the Syncplicity files, you can choose to click the Remove button to stop access from the device and remove the name from your Syncplicity account; or click the Wipe and Remove button to stop access, remove the device name, and send a command to the Syncplicity client to delete Syncplicity files and folders from the device.

For information about the remote wipe policy, refer to the Remote Wipe policies article.

User leaves the company

Should a user leave the organization permanently, perform the following:

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