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De-provisioning user accounts

To de-provision a user account in Syncplicity, you should disable or delete it.

Disable an Account

If a user is on an extended leave of absence, but you expect them to return, disbale their account. While disabled, users cannot log in.

This procedure requires Global Administrator privileges.

  1. Navigate to and log in as a Global Administrator.
  2. Click Admin → User Accounts.
  3. Search for the user that you want to disable and click the user name in the list.
    The list of user details opens.
  4. From the Tasks list, select Disable account.
    A dialog prompts you to confirm the operation.
  5. Click OK.

The user account is disabled and the user's Last Activity in the Manage Users page is Disabled

A disabled user cannot log in to Syncplicity, but all files and folders owned by the user are preserved. You can enable the user account when needed.

Delete an Account

If a user is no longer with the organization, delete the user account.

Note: Before deleting an account, verify that you understand the consequences:

  • The account cannot be reinstated. If necessary, you can create a new account for the user, but cannot revert a deleted account.
  • The folders and files owned by disabled users are deleted. Before deleting an account, you must review all folders owned by the user and change the ownership of the folders that you want to retain. See Manage folder ownership and permissions.
  • The user's shared links and shared folders are no longer accessible.

This procedure requires Global Administrator privileges.

  1. Navigate to and log in as a Global Administrator.
  2. Click Admin → User Accounts.
  3. Search for the user that you want to disable and click the user name in the list.
    The list of user details opens.
  4. From the Tasks list, select Delete account.
    A dialog prompts you to confirm the operation and warns you about deleting the files owned by the user.
  5. Select the checkbox to confirm the deletion of files and click OK to confirm the account deletion operation.

Once deleted, the user account is removed from the Manage Users page. You cannot restore the user account and all files and folders owned by the user are deleted.

You can also delete the files on the user's device by using the remote wipe feature. See Remote Wipe policies.

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