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Desktop Configuration policies

Use policies to manage Windows and Mac desktop clients and the Syncplicity Outlook add-ins.

To access this policy:

  1. Click Admin in the console, then click Policies.
  2. On the Manage Policy set page, select Desktop Clients & Add-ins → Configuration.

The following table provides an overview of each Configuration policy:



Bandwidth Restriction 

Configure a fixed value for the maximum speed at which users, or group-based users, can upload and download files. The lower the rate, the slower the files will upload or download. When no restriction is applied, one can be set by the user based upon the type of network (Public, Private, Metered).  

NOTE: Windows desktop clients installed using the command line, the values set by UPLOADMAX & DOWNLOADMAX, are overridden by the values in this policy.


Enables or disables the auto-update of the Syncplicity Windows desktop client and Syncplicity Outlook Add-in for Windows, but not the Syncplicity Mac desktop client or Syncplicity Outlook Add-in for Office 365. The client update policy can be set differently for the desktop client and the Outlook client.
File Type Exclusion Prevents specific file types from being synchronized by the Syncplicity desktop client or uploaded when using the Syncplicity Outlook add-ins to email shared links instead of files.
Syncplicity for Outlook Enables or disables the use of both Syncplicity Outlook add-ins.
Syncplicity for Outlook file size

Forces files of a specific size or larger to be uploaded to the Syncplicity folder instead of emailed.

This policy applies only to the Syncplicity Outlook Add-in for Windows, not the Syncplicity Outlook Add-in for Office 365.

Sync Status Allows the show option to enable users to view and resolve file synchronization issues. Sync status is disabled by default.
Dynamic File and Folder loading Dynamic loading of files and folders in SyncDrive can allow folders with more than 750,000 files to be available on the desktop through SyncDrive without affecting performance. Files and folders are loaded on demand and cached locally as the user navigates a folder hierarchy. 
Show All Folders on Desktop Client Allows users to view all accessible folders (mapped and unmapped) in Windows Explorer. 
Microsoft Office Documents Controls whether or not users can open Microsoft Office documents in Microsoft Office Online on desktop clients.
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