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Anti Virus Scan report

The Anti Virus Scan report provides information about all files scanned with the AVS engine connected to your Syncplicity account and classified as infected, or which are pending classification. When the report is run, the output can be exported as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. The exported CSV file includes:

  • File name, location, version, and ownership
  • Classification result
  • Classification date
  • AVS engine configuration

The report can be run for all users or for a specific user group within your company.

Create report

The following are the steps to create the report.

  1. Select Anti Virus Scan from the Select Report Type drop-down field.
  2. Select the type of user:
    • All users.
    • Specific group. Enter the group name in the text field to specify it.
  3. Click Export Report to create a CSV file

Report description

The name of the generated report file indicates the type of the report, as well as the timestamp when it was generated. In the CSV output file for this report, each row provides information on each file that has been infected or is pending classification.

The top two rows indicate the type of the report and the filters used - whether this is a report for all users or a specific group. See the table for information on the details provided in the report.

CSV file column Description

Folder: Name

Name of the folder.
Folder: Owner Name Name of the owner of this folder.
Folder: Owner Email Email address of the owner of this folder.
Folder: Owner Group Name of the group, which owns this folder.

File: Path

The location of the file within your company account. If the file is located within a root folder, the path is displayed as '\'.
File: Name Name of the file.
File: Version The file version.
Classification: Result Result of the classification. Only infected files and ones pending classification will be displayed - clean files are not included in the report.
Classification: Date

Date in mm/dd/yyyy, when the classification took place.

Classification: AVS Engine Configuration Name of the AVS Engine configuration used for the file classification.


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