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Syncplicity Storage Connectors require Updating to version 3.3 or Higher

Axway routinely makes enhancements to our Syncplicity service to better address the needs of our valued customers. By mid-year 2021, we will require that all Syncplicity Customers who have StorageVaults either on-premises or within their own private cloud to be running Syncplicity Storage Connectors of version 3.3 or higher.

To that end, Axway is ending support (EOS) for all Syncplicity version 2.x Storage Connectors on July 1, 2021, and retiring (EOL) all version 2.x Storage Connectors on November 1, 2021. All Syncplicity Customers who have StorageVaults either on-premises or in their own private cloud need upgrade to Storage Connector version 3.3x or later by July 1, 2021.

Customers will realize many benefits from upgrading Storage Connector. Storage Connector v3.3 improves performance by 2x or more, enhances security, and enables recent Syncplicity features such as Syncplicity Rights Managementbulk downloadslarge file upload, and video streaming enhancements. Please see the table below for more specifics on key feature, security, performance, and quality benefits of Storage Connector v3.3.

All Storage Connectors must be upgraded, deployed and live in production before November 1, 2021 to ensure uninterrupted service. After EOL, those customers with non-compliant Storage Connectors may experience failures in the sync service.

Please begin planning to make this change immediately.

Who can I contact for further information?
If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team (

Georgi Dragnev

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