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How to capture HTTP traffic?

In order to capture HTTP traffic you will need a web debugging tool. One such tool is Fiddler which is free and easy to use. To capture traffic with it please follow these steps:


1. Please install Fiddler from on the Windows/MAC machine.

2. Once you have this tool installed, please run it.

3. Once Fiddler is running >> click on Tools menu >> click on fiddler options >> click on HTTPS tab >> ensure the following options checked. Capture HTTPS Connects Decrypt HTTPS traffic

4. Please open a browser and recreate the issue you are facing when, accessing the settings option from the browser, as well as the link I have provided to you.

5. Once you have reproduced the issue, please switch back to Fiddler and open the “File” menu and choose “Save -> Session(s) -> in Archivezip”.

Georgi Dragnev

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