New Major Features:
Major Feature
MobileIron for iOS
IT administrators can securely control and manage the Syncplicity app on iOS devices using MobileIron’s mobile device management (MDM) solution.
iOS App “Save As” and “Save As PDF” feature for Microsoft Office Files
Users can save Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files as PDF files. They can also save Microsoft Office files as new files while preserving the original.
iOS App: 3.4.10
Now available in the Apple App Store (October 16th, 2015).
iOS App Support for MobileIron
Data Leakage Prevention
- Administrators can prevent data leakage by configuring one or more of the following MobileIron AppConnect policies for the Syncplicity iOS app for MobileIron:
- Prevent cut-copy-paste and Open-In from apps not managed by AppConnect
- Enforce usage of the MobileIron secure email app to send emails or shared links, and the MobileIron secure browser to browse and download content (secure browser required for single sign-on)
- Administrators can wipe content in the Syncplicity iOS app for MobileIron and disable access if the device is lost, stolen, or the user’s account is disabled
- Administrators can protect content by enforcing passcodes for all MobileIron AppConnect apps, including Syncplicity
- Passcodes can be simple or complex and the number and type of required characters can be enforced
- The elapsed time, after which a user is required to re-enter the passcode, can be configured by the administrator
- Passcode entry provides access to all AppConnect apps
- The MobileIron enforced passcode is separate from the Syncplicity app passcode. When enabled, the MobileIron container-level passcode policy overrides the Syncplicity app passcode policy
Secured Network Access
- Through MobileIron’s AppTunneling feature administrators can create a private network connection for the Syncplicity iOS app
Single binary for MobileIron and non-MobileIron use
- The iOS app works in MobileIron or non-MobileIron mode depending on whether a MobileIron MDM profile is installed
- The iOS app switches from MobileIron managed mode to normal, unmanaged mode if the MobileIron profile is removed and vice versa
Save As Feature
“Save As” and “Save As PDF” feature for Microsoft Office Files
- Convert Microsoft Word and PPT files to PDF in the Syncplicity iOS app using the new “Save As PDF” feature
- Use the new “Save As” feature to save files in Syncplicity with a new name
- Save Microsoft Office and PDF files within Syncplicity using this feature
- Save Microsoft Office and PDF files from Home Directories and Network Shares to Syncplicity on the iPad using this feature
- “Save As” retains the original file and a new file is created
- The previous versions of the original file are not carried over to the new file
iOS 9 Support
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bugs related to iOS 9 support [full iOS 9 support is targeted for the next iOS app release]
- File uploading performance improvement
- Improved memory management, performance and stability of the app