New Major Features:
AirWatch for iOS:
IT administrators can securely control and manage the Syncplicity app on iOS devices using AirWatch’s mobile device management (MDM) solution.
Desktop Client Sync Notification Improvements:
Windows desktop clients now display additional sync error notifications, including a taskbar panel status when some files could not be synced.
Desktop Client Silent Onboarding Update:
Using desktop client configuration, IT administrators can now automatically sync any folder, such as the five special folders or custom folder paths. IT administrators can also prevent end users from un-synchronizing these folders.
Release Details:
Syncplicity iOS app for AirWatch: 3.4.6
Supported on iOS 7 and above.
The Syncplicity iOS app for AirWatch must be distributed to end users by IT administrators through the AirWatch console. IT administrators need to add the Syncplicity iOS app from the Apple App Store into their AirWatch app catalog and end users need to install the app from the AirWatch catalog on their device. When installed this way the Syncplicity app behaves as an AirWatch managed app and will respect the AirWatch MDM policies.
Data Leakage Prevention
- Administrators can prevent data leakage by configuring one or more of the following AirWatch policies for the Syncplicity iOS app for AirWatch:
- Only allow open-in across AirWatch managed apps
- Disable access to media assets such as camera, gallery, screen capture and video
- Enforce other controls such as disallowing the download of non-managed apps
- Administrators can wipe content in the Syncplicity iOS app for AirWatch and remove access if the device is lost, stolen, or the user’s account is disabled
Device Passcode
- Administrators can protect content by enforcing passcodes for the AirWatch managed apps, including Syncplicity
- Passcodes can be simple or complex and the number and type of required characters can be enforced
- The elapsed time, after which a user is required to re-enter the passcode, can be configured by the administrator
- Syncplicity files that have been downloaded are encrypted when a passcode is setup on the AirWatch managed device
Secured Network Access
- Through AirWatch’s AppTunneling feature administrators can create a private network connection for the Syncplicity app
Single Sign-On
- The Syncplicity iOS app for AirWatch can perform single sign-on automatically using either Kerberos authentication with native web-view, or using a certificate-based authentication
Bug Fixes
- Improved memory management, performance and stability of the app
Windows Desktop Client:
Sync Notification Improvements
- Windows desktop clients now show additional information and notifications on sync progress. These notifications will be shown periodically so that users can take appropriate action. Examples include:
- Error downloading a file or folder with a long path or filename
- Error downloading a file or folder that contains unsupported special characters
- Error updating a file that is open and locked by another application
- Insufficient disk space to download files
- Insufficient Syncplicity storage quota to upload files
- Improved logging of errors
Silent Onboarding Update
- Using Windows registry settings, IT administrators can now automatically sync any folder, such as the five special folders (Desktop, Documents, Favorites, Music and Pictures) or custom folder paths
- IT administrators can also use Windows registry settings to prevent end-users from un-synchronizing these folders
Bug Fixes
- Prevent creation of multiple temp files as .0, .1, etc.
- Prevent continuous scanning when .part files are locked by other apps
- Optimized sync retry algorithm
- Fixed upgrading from Windows 2.x clients
Mac Desktop Client:
Silent Onboarding Update
- Using Mac plist settings, IT administrators can now automatically sync any folder, such as the five special folders (Desktop, Documents, Favorites, Music and Pictures) or custom folder paths
- IT administrators can also use Windows Mac plist settings to prevent end-users from un-synchronizing these folders
Bug Fixes
- Prevent creation of multiple temp files as .0, .1, etc.
- Prevent continuous scanning when .part files are locked by other apps
- Optimized sync retry algorithm