Syncplicity Support

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Contacting Support

You can contact Syncplicity Support or, if you have access to network shares, you can contact your company's support department for network shares.

Contacting Syncplicity Support

If you have any issues with the Syncplicity app, you can contact Syncplicity Support from your mobile device as follows:

  1. While logged in to the Syncplicity app, tap the Accounts icon () in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap the Settings icon ().
  3. In the Settings list, tap Contact Support. You are presented with a form.
  4. Fill in the form, which includes entering your email address, selecting a problem type, and writing a description of the problem.
  5. Optionally, you can attach a file.
  6. When done, tap Submit.

The information is sent to the Syncplicity Customer Success team.

Contacting Syncplicity Support

To contact your company's support for network shares, you must be logged into the network share account without being logged in to your Syncplicity account, as described in About SharePoint and network share accounts.

You can contact support for any issues with network shares, such as logging in, accessing folders or files, or having the correct permission on specific files. You can also request permission for shares that you cannot currently access.

If you have a problem logging in to the network share, a link appears below the Login button. Tap the link to open the Contact Support screen.

If you are logged in to the network share account, perform the following to access support for network shares:

  1. Tap the Accounts icon () in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap the Settings icon ().
  3. In the Settings list, tap Contact Support.
  4. If available, select the problem type from the list below the fields. In the example below, Request Access to File Share is selected.
  5. Click Next to review your email then click Send.

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