Syncplicity Outlook Add-in for Windows is available for Windows users only. It is not necessary to have the Syncplicity desktop client installed on your system.
The Outlook Add-in is available to all Personal Edition (free) accounts. For all other accounts, it is up to your administrator to enable it. If not enabled, the Outlook link to download the add-in is not available on the installation page.
Before installing the Outlook Add-in
Make sure that your system meets these requirements:
- Microsoft 8.1 or 10 either 32-bit or 64-bit
- Microsoft Outlook 2013, 2016 or 2019, either 32-bit or 64-bit
- Microsoft Visual Studio tools for Office 2010, 2013 or 2016 (can be installed from the Syncplicity installation wizard)
If your system does not have .NET Framework 4.0, it is automatically installed as part of the installation.
IMPORTANT: You must have a Syncplicity account to install the Outlook Add-in.
Download and install the Outlook Add-in
To install the Outlook Add-in, go to the Syncplicity website and log in.
- Click Install → Outlook → Download Syncplicity for Outlook.
- Save the Syncplicity_for_Outlook.msi file in a directory on your computer or choose to run it.
- Once you run the file, the installation wizard walks you through the installation process.
- Once installation is complete, you are provided with a quick tutorial of the Outlook Add-in features then you are prompted to log into your Syncplicity account.
- Once logged in, you should see the Syncplicity icon in the Outlook ribbon.
NOTE: If your administrator has not enabled the Outlook Add-in for your account, you will see a message that the add-in is disabled and you are prevented from logging in.