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Ignored, skipped filter reasons


As of the 4.12 release, DataHub tracks the reason why items were categorized as ignored/skipped by policy as configured during job creation.

These categories are used in the Job Validation Report | item_inspection_policy.

Ignored reasons are also available on the items grid where the value can be sorted by selecting Filterer by → Status = Ignored and selecting one of the new ignored reason categories


List of Ignored / Skipped Categories



ignored_content_extension Ignored due to 3rd party extension (currently not available in the UI)
ignored_date Ignored due to date range filter
ignored_empty_container_policy Ignored due to empty container policy
ignored_extension Ignored due to file extension filter
ignored_hidden Ignored due to hidden file/folder filter
ignored_item_type Ignored due to file type filter
ignored_large_item_policy Ignored due to large item policy i.e. file too large to be transferred to the destination platform
ignored_match_fail Ignored due to an error in calculating a destination path
ignored_metadata Ignored due to metadata filter
ignored_one_way_transfer For one-way transfer - destination-only items which were not transferred to the source
ignored_overwrite_policy Ignored due to overwrite policy
ignored_pattern Ignored due to item name pattern filter
ignored_predefined Ignored due to predefined content categories filter
ignored_restricted_content_policy Ignored due to restricted content policy
ignored_shared Ignored due to shared item filter
ignored_size Ignored due to file size filter
ignored_unknown Unknown reason – includes items ignored by previous DataHub versions on upgraded installations
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