Items that were unable to be transferred by the DataHub Platform will be flagged for manual remediation. Items can be flagged for many reasons, and in some cases, still transferred to the destination platform. Each item is a package, consisting of the media itself, version history, author, sharing and any other metadata. DataHub ensures all pieces of the item package is transferred to the destination to preserve data integrity. When an item is flagged, DataHub is indicating that all or some portion of this failed to migrate.
All migrations require some amount of manual intervention by the client to move content that fails to transfer automatically.
- Note that one of the uses of simulation mode is to get an understanding prior to a live transfer of how many files might fail to transfer and the reasons.
- This can be used to adjust the job parameters to achieve a higher number of automatic remediation successes.
General Reasons Content does not Transfer
Errors from Source & Destination Platforms
This is a broad error category that indicates DataHub was prevented from reading, downloading, uploading or writing content during content transfer by either the source or destination platform provider. Each situation is dependent on the storage provider rejection reason and will require manual investigation to resolve.
Insufficient Permissions
Many platforms may require additional permissions in order to perform certain functions, even for site administrator accounts. These permissions typically require a special request from the storage provider. For example, content that has been locked, hidden or has been flagged to disable download may require this special permission request from your storage provider.
Scenario-Specific Configuration
Content on your source storage platform is diverse, and users across your business will structure their data in a wide-variety of different ways. A single one-size-fits-all project configuration may not be suitable and can result in some content not transferring to the destination platform. DataHub will assist in assessing these situations to help provide custom, scenario-specific configuration that may workaround the issue that is preventing the transfer.
Disparate Platform Features
Each platform provider has a given set of features that are generally shared concepts in the storage business industry. However within each storage platform, there can be behavioral or rule differences within these features, and aligning these discrepancies can be challenging. Features such as permission levels (edit, view, view+upload, etc.) may not align as an exact match to the destination platform, or file size restrictions or file names may need to be altered to conform to meet the destination platform's policies. DataHub will attempt to accommodate these restrictions through configurations in the system; however, not all scenarios can be covered in a diverse data set.
Interruption in Service
DataHub must maintain connection to the database at all times during the transfer process. If there is an interruption in service, DataHub will fail the transfer as it is unable to track/write to the database.
How do I validate my content transferred successfully?
Verify the destination
DataHub will report all content that has transferred to the destination. Log into your destination platform and verify the content is located as expected
DataHub is reporting items in "pending" or "retrying" status, what are my next steps?
Run the job again
DataHub defaults to retrying the job 3 times to reconcile items that are in pending/retry status. Depending on your job configuration, this may occur with the defined schedule or you can start the job manually.
Review the log message
DataHub logs a reason why the item is in pending/retry status. On the job "Overview" tab, click on the Transfer Details breakdown status "retrying." This will direct you to the filtered "Items" list. Select the item then click the "View item history" link on the right toolbox.
DataHub is reporting items in "Flagged" status, what are my next steps?
When an item is in "flagged" status, this means DataHub has made all attempts to transfer the file without success, and it requires manual remediation.
Review the log message
DataHub logs a reason why the item has been flagged. On the job "Overview" tab, click on the Transfer Details breakdown status "flagged." This will direct you to the filtered "Items" list. Select the item and click the "View item history" link on the right toolbox.
Review the message and determine if you can resolve on the source platform.
Review all flagged items
These are the recommended ways to view all flagged items: export the flagged item report or review the "Flagged Items" page.
Export report:
- Job Report → Items tab → Filter by Status: Flagged
- Click "Export this report" → Save CSV file for review
Review "Flagged Items" page:
- Retry or Ignore individual items
- View Item History for individual items
- Link back to the job the flagged items is associated with
- Export all Flagged Items report