Predefined groups are used by both filters and to categorize files during transfer.
You can configure predefined groups through the REST API (v1/filters/categories).
To use a predefined group in a filter, see Job Filters | Filter By Predefined Groups
You cannot create a cyclical predefined group. For example, a group whose filter uses itself as a predefined group
General Format
POST {{url}}v1/filters/categories
1 |
Value |
Optional/Required |
Description |
name | required | The name of the category. |
description | optional | An optional description for the category. |
filter | required |
The criteria used to match an item to the category. This can be any job filter. See Job Filters. |
priority | optional | The order in which the category is applied. They are applied in descending priority order (higher priority first). |
Predefined Groups
The following is a list of groups that are predefined in the system. All have a default priority of 0 (lowest) except Temporary, which has a default priority of 1 so that it takes precedence over Documents.
File Extensions |
Audio |
.3gp, .act, .aiff, .aac, .alac, .amr, .atrac, .au, .awb, .dct, .dss, .dvf, .flac, .gsm, .iklax, .ivs, .m4a, .m4p, .mmf, .mp3, .mpc, .msv, .ogg, .opus, .ra, .rm, .raw, .tta, .vox, .wav, .wma, .wavpack |
Windows |
.lnk, .db, .sdf, .msp, .bas, .mdb, .msc, .dsb, .dbx, .mda, .nch, .wms, .tmp, .ini, .inf |
Executables |
.app, .apk, .bin, .bat, .exe, .com, .command, .cmd, .dll, .msi, .ps1, .job, .msp, .prg, .csh, .reg, .rgs, .vb, .vbs, .vbscript, .cpl, .jscript |
Movies |
.avi, .divx, .mp4, .wmd, .wmv, .ogx, .ogg, .ogv, .ogm, .qt, .mov, .moov, .hd264, .hdmov, .m2v, .m4e, .m4u, .m4v, .mkv, .mk3d, .mjpg, .mpeg, .mpeg1, .mpeg4, .mpg, .mpg2, .swf, .vid |
Images |
.jpg, .jpeg, .jif, .jfif, .jp2, .jpx, .j2k, .j2c, .jpe, .png, .tif, .tiff, .tga, .bmp, .gif, .pdn, .psd, .dds, .webp, .wmf, .emf, .3fr, .ari, .arw, .bay, .crw, .cr2, .cap, .dcs, .dcr, .dng, .drf, .eip, .erf, .fff, .iiq, .k25, .kdc, .mdc, .mef, .mos, .mrw, .nef, .nrw, .obm, .orf, .pef, .ptx, .pxn, .r3d, .raf, .raw, .rwl, .rw2, .rwz, .sr2, .srf, .srw, .x3f |
Temporary |
*.tmp, *.temp, ~$*.docx, ~$*.xlsx, ~$*.pptx, ~$*.docm, ~$*.dotx, ~$*.dotm, ~$*.xlsm, ~$*.xltx, ~$*.xltm, ~$*.pptm |
Documents |
.rtf, .pdf, .docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm, .pptx, .pptm, .potm, .potx, .ppsx, .ppsm, .xlsx, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .doc, .xls, .ppt |