The advanced scripting feature option available in the Create New Job user-interface allows you to access features without needing a REST API tool such as Postman. These features will be implemented in upcoming releases
Transfer Features List
Configure Additional Transfer Feature Options
- These options are not surfaced in the DataHub user-interface yet but can be configured through the Advanced Scripting option when creating a new job
- Logs | Installer, Application and By Job
- Bulk Migration API | Batch Mode
- Job Failure Policy
- Job Validation Report | item_inspection_policy
- Large Item Policy
- Lock Propagation
- Parallel Writes
- Timestamp Preservation
- Empty Container / Folder Policy
- Directory Item Limits | max_items_per_container
- Duplicate Name Policy
- Item Overwrite Policy
- Trust Mode | Optimize Data Upload
- Box Tags | SharePoint Enterprise Keywords
Paste the following into the JSON block
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Configure a Custom Job Schedule
- There are more job schedule configurations than what is available in the DataHub user-interface (UI)
- To leverage these options, see Scheduling a Job
The following example is scheduled to run:
- everyday
- every hour
- between the hours of 6 AM GMT - 9 PM GMT
- No schedule to stop, will run indefinitely
- The next job run will be 1 hour after the last run has completed
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