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Job status, item error and warning categories

Types of Job Status

Idle - Indicates the job is not running. Select the job to view the next scheduled execution. This status can be filtered on the Jobs screen

Paused - Indicates the job is currently on pause. While paused, the job will not run at the next scheduled time. This status can be filtered on the Jobs screen

Running - Indicates the job is actively running and transferring content. This status can be filtered on the Jobs screen

Complete - Indicates the job is done and has met a defined stop policy. A job with a complete status will not run again. This status can be filtered on the Jobs screen

Started - Indicates the job has reached it scheduled time and has been queued. It will be run based on its priority in the queue. This is a transient status and cannot be filtered on the Job screen

Cancel - Indicates the job is in the process of cancelling. The job will wrap up current processes during this status to ensure work finished correctly. This is a transient status and cannot be filtered on the Job screen

Resume - Indicates the job is in the process of being un-paused. This is a transient status and cannot be filtered on the Job screen

Success - Indicates the job completed with no failures. This is a transient status and cannot be filtered on the Job screen

Failed - Indicates the job audit log has captured one or more error entries. This status can be filtered on the Jobs screen

Failed to Start - Indicates job has failed to start properly in the previous execution, which is typically the result of a mis-configuration or missing connection. This status can be filtered on the Jobs screen

Filter by Job Status

Item Error and Warning Categories

List all system error and warning categories

GET {{url}}v1/transfers/categories?priority=all

Related: Job Reports | Item Report

Error level categories

Failure - Indicates the job audit log has captured one or more failure entries 

  • Unknown Failures | "Files and folders that have failed for unknown reasons."
  • Connectivity Failures | "Files and folders that have failed due to connectivity issues with the platform provider."
  • Access Failures | "Files and folders that have failed due to access failures."
  • Permission Failures | "Files and folders that have failed because the authorized account does not have permission to access the resource."
  • Policy Failures | "Files and folders that have failed for violating a policy imposed by the platform provider."
  • Item Not Found Failures | "Files and folders that have failed because they were not found in the platform provider."
  • Duplicate Item Failures | "Files and folders that have failed because the platform does not allow duplicate names."
  • Invalid Item Failures | "Files and folders that are invalid in the platform provider."
  • IO Failures | "Files and folders that have failed for IO reasons."
  • Conflict Failures | "Files that have failed due to unresolved conflicts."
  • License Failures | "Files and folders that have failed due an unlicensed product feature."
  • Item Locked Failures | "Files that have failed due to being locked."

Warning level categories

Warning - Indicates the job audit log has captured one or more warning entries 

  • Conflict Warnings | "Files that have a conflict copy created."
  • Security Identifier Warnings | "Unable to apply permissions due to an invalid user or group."
  • Access Rule Warnings | "Unable to apply permissions due to an incompatible or unsupported access rule."
  • Property Value Warning | "Unable to transfer property values due to an invalid property map."
  • Restricted Content Skipped | "Files that were skipped due to restricted content."
  • Conventions Skipped | "Convention skipped due to an convention mapping failure."
  • Property Value Import Failures | "Failure importing property values."
  • Property Value Import Warnings | "Warning importing property values."
  • Access Rule Import Failures | "Failure importing access rule."

Transfer Audit Category Description



Access Failures

"Files and folders that have failed due to access failures."
Access Rule Import Failures "Failure importing access rule."
Access Rule Warnings "Unable to apply permissions due to an incompatible or unsupported access rule."
Conflict Failures "Files that have failed due to unresolved conflicts."
Conflict Warnings "Files that have a conflict copy created."
Connectivity Failure "Files and folders that have failed due to connectivity issues with the platform provider."
Conventions Skipped "Convention skipped due to an convention mapping failure."
Duplicate Item Failures "Files and folders that have failed because the platform does not allow duplicate names."
Invalid Item Failures "Files and folders that are invalid in the platform provider."
IO Failures "Files and folders that have failed for IO reasons."
Item Locked Failures "Item Locked Failures"
Item Locked Warnings "Files that have warnings when locked or unlocked."
Item Not Found Failures "Files and folders that have failed because they were not found in the platform provider."
License Failures "Files and folders that have failed due an unlicensed product feature."
Permission Failures "Files and folders that have failed because the authorized account does not have permission to access the resource."
Policy Failures "Files and folders that have failed for violating a policy imposed by the platform provider."
Property Value Import Failures "Failure importing property values."
Property Value Import Warnings "Property Value Import Warnings"
Property Value Warnings "Unable to transfer property values due to an invalid property map."
Restricted Content Skipped "Files that were skipped due to restricted content."
Security Identifier Warnings "Unable to apply permissions due to an invalid user or group."
Unknown Failures "Files and folders that have failed for unknown reasons."
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