The initial administrator user is a global administrator. This user is granted all permissions - can access all data and functionality. New users are considered global administrators when they are not assigned to a group.
Create Group / Tenant
- First user created is considered the group administrator (Group / Tenant Administrator)
- Option to assign a role in not available since the first user is expected to have all permissions
Create Sub-Group / Sub-Tenant
- This is needed if you wish to create users with specific roles/permissions
- The parent group selected will be the administrator
- Group / Tenants cannot be deleted once created
Create Role
- A role allows you to associate specific permissions to access DataHub features
Create User
- To create a user with all permissions; select the parent Group / Tenant
- To create a user assigned a specific role with permissions; select the child Group / Tenant
Logging in through the DataHub User Interface
- The user will only have access to features as defined by the permissions assigned to their role
- Postman: Update your user and password environment variables to match your created user. Be sure to get a new access token. Refreshing the access token may result in an error.
Permission Options - Definitions
List Connections
Connections page is visible; can list connections via rest call GET {{url}}v1/connections
In the user interface, options to edit/delete a connection is presented but user with only this role will be denied action
Manage Connections
- Only Dashboard is visible if this permission is used in isolation
- This permission is only applicable when used in combination with List Connections
Read Content
- browse content, is available only through rest. Similar to v3 Navigator
Write/Delete Content
- Allows upload of content to the connection
- Similar to DataHub 3.7 Navigator feature where you can do native copy/move files to other folders within the DataHub application
List Jobs
- Dashboard, Reports and Jobs are visible but cannot start/stop/pause jobs, reset stop policy, manage schedule, rename job, delete job.
Manage Jobs
- Only Dashboard is visible
- This permission is only applicable when used in combination with List Jobs
- List Jobs + Manage Jobs allows you to run the job along with manage the job schedule, rename the job, duplicate / clone the job and delete the job.
Control Jobs (Start/Stop/Pause)
- Only Dashboard is visible
- This permission is only applicable when used in combination with List Jobs
- List Jobs + Control Jobs allows you to see and run jobs. All other job actions will be disabled
Manage Reports
- This permission is only applicable when used in combination with List Jobs
Manage Templates
List Remote Sites
Manage Remote Sites
Invoke Remote Sites
Establish Remote Sites
List users and Groups
- Ability to view list of currently created users
- No access to create, edit, manipulate these users
Manage users and Groups
- Ability to manage user list
- Permits user creation
- Permits user editing
- Ability to create/edit Groups
- No ability to create/edit Roles
Manage Access Rights
- Ability to create/edit Roles
- No ability to create Groups
- No ability to create/edit/manipulate individual users
List All Permissions
GET {{url}}v1/permissions