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Managing connections

Connection Setup

DataHub is built on a concept of connections.  A connection is made to the source platform and then another connection is made to the destination platform. A job is created to tie the two platforms together. 

When DataHub connects to a content platform, it does so by using the publicly available Application Programming Interface (API) for the specific platform.  This ensures that DataHub is “playing by the rules” for each platform. 

Connections “connect” to a platform as a specific user account. The user account requires the proper permissions to the platform to read/write/update/delete the content, according to what actions the DataHub job is to perform. 

The connection user account should also be set up so that the password does not expire, otherwise the connection will no longer be able to access the platform until the connection has been refreshed with the new password. 

Most connections require a specific user account and its corresponding password.  The user account is typically an email address. 

Authenticated Connections

Authenticated Connections are accounts that have been verified with the cloud-based or network-based platform when created. The connection can be user/password-based or done through OAuth2 flow, where a token is generated based on the granting authorization to DataHub through a user login. This authorization allows DataHub access to the user's drive information (files and folder) on the platform. These connections are used as the source or the destination authentication to transfer your content.

OAuth2 Interactive (Web) Flow

Connectors such as Box, Google Drive and Dropbox use the OAuth2 interactive (or web) flow.

OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow

Connections such as Syncplicity and GSuite uses the OAuth2 client credentials flow.


SharePoint (all versions, CSOM) uses a custom username/password authentication model.


REST API - List All Connections

List All Authenticated Connections

GET {{url}}v1/connections

REST API - How to List Connection Features & Limitations

Ensure you have an established connection before making the following call

Connection Features

GET {{url}}v1/connections/{{cloud_connection}}?include=features

To list general supported features for a given platform, make the following call. No connection is required

Platform Features

GET {{url}}v1/connections/platforms/{{platform_id}}?fields=all

GET Platform ID's Based on Your License

GET {{url}}v1/connections/platforms?fields=all&active=1

REST API - How to Set Platform Preferences

Platform preferences will control what platforms you want to see in the DataHub application. If you are licensed for several platforms but only want to see a specific set, this feature allows your to set this. 

PATCH {{url}}v1/users/me/preferences/platforms

 "value": {
        "value": [

REST API - How to Rename a Connection

Rename a Connection

PATCH {{url}}v1/connections/{{cloud_connection}}
    "name": "This is my renamed connection"

REST API - How to Repair a Connection

OAuth2 Interactive (Web) Flow

Connectors such as Box, Google Drive and Dropbox use the OAuth2 interactive (or web) flow. This model uses refresh tokens that in limited scenarios, may no longer be valid. 

To repair your connection refresh token:

GET {{url}}v1/connections/{{box_cloud_connection_id}}/edit

  • In Postman, this will provide you a link which you need to copy/paste into your Chrome browser to refresh your token

For OAuth2 Interactive (Web) Flow, if your connection password has changed, the above path is recommended. 

OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow

Connections such as Syncplicity and GSuite uses the OAuth2 client credentials flow. This model does not use a refresh token so there should be no cases where a Syncplicity connection does not work. If you are experiencing issues, contact your DataHub representative.


SharePoint (all versions, CSOM) uses a custom username/password authentication model. This model does not use a refresh token so there should be no cases where a SharePoint connection does not work. If you are experiencing issues, contact your DataHub representative.

REST API - How to Delete a Connection

DELETE {{url}}v1/connections/{{connection_id}}

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