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Using the My Syncplicity online file browser

The Syncplicity Panel in Salesforce isn't the only place where you can view and manage Syncplicity folders and files. You also can use the My Syncplicity online file browser (OFB).

Actions you perform in the Syncplicity Panel are reflected in your Syncplicity account. For instance, log on to My Syncplicity. Using the breadcrumb displayed in the panel as a guide, you can navigate to the same folder in the My Syncplicity OFB. For every action you do in the panel you can switch to the OFB and confirm it has been replicated. The reverse also is true. For instance, if you create a folder under the same path in the OFB, you can switch to the panel in Salesforce and see the new folder there, too. If you like, you can have the Syncplicity Panel in Salesforce in one browser window or tab and toggle between My Syncplicity in another browser window or tab.

The following graphic is an example of the Syncplicity Panel for an account record in Salesforce. Note that the Syncplicity name is configurable, and your administrator might use a different name on the panel.

The next graphic is the parallel view of folders and files in the OFB. You can verify both are for the same object by comparing the breadcrumbs. Note that the lists of folders and files are identical in both views.

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