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Tour of the Syncplicity Panel

This topic illustrates and describes the Syncplicity Panel. See Getting started with Syncplicity for Salesforce for how to access the panel in Salesforce. See Summary of actions in Syncplicity Panel for details about the actions you can do in the panel.

Syncplicity Panel overview

The following graphic shows the Syncplicity Panel with folders and files. These are items that you own or that have been shared with you by co-workers.

The Syncplicity Panel must be a minimum of 640 pixels wide to display properly in Salesforce in a browser. If the panel is not at least that wide, an error message is displayed. If the message is displayed, horizontally widen the browser tab or window until the panel is displayed.

The following describes the numbered items. You can find details in Getting started with Syncplicity for Salesforce or the linked topic.

  1. The Salesforce tab where the panel is displayed for a Salesforce object. The object is an account record in this example. Note that your organization might have implemented the panel on a different tab. Your administrator also might not use Syncplicity as the panel name.
  2. The search field for entering text to search files and folders. You also can filter searches by clicking the funnel icon. See Search for folders or files for details.
  3. The breadcrumb shows the folder hierarchy. A folder with .files appended to the name is the top-level folder where you can add subfolders and files. See About the folder hierarchy.
  4. Your Syncplicity user name.
  5. Controls for sharing files and folders, uploading files and for creating folders that become subfolders of the .files folder.
  6. List of Syncplicity folders and files. These are files or folders that you or others have added. By default, you and others have read access for these.

Right-click folders and files to perform actions

You can right-click a folder or file to show actions you can perform by selecting one.

Right-click a folder Right-click a file

Supported actions:

  • Share
  • Manage participants
  • Rename
  • Delete

See Manage folders for details

Supported actions:

  • Download
  • Share link
  • Versions
  • Rename
  • Delete
  • Send with Adobe Sign

See Manage files for details

About the folder hierarchy

Notice the breadcrumb just below the search field in the panel.

This represents the Syncplicity folder hierarchy. When you open an item under an object in Salesforce, the default breadcrumb corresponds to the folder path in Syncplicity, but you can click the breadcrumb to navigate elsewhere. In the breadcrumb example in the preceding graphic:

  • Salesforce is the top-level or parent folder.
  • Accounts is a subfolder and corresponds to the object selected on the top toolbar in Salesforce.
  • AccountName is a subfolder and corresponds to the name of the account selected in Salesforce.
  • AccountName.files is the subfolder for uploaded and shared files and folders. Until subfolders are added, the name of the lowest folder in the hierarchy is appended with .files. You can add more files and subfolders under the .files folder.

If you create an item for a Salesforce object, the Syncplicity folder hierarchy also is created. For example, in Salesforce add an account. Type a name for the account (for example, NewAccountTest) and click Save.  Open the Syncplicity Panel for the new account. In this example, the breadcrumb is:

Salesforce > Accounts > NewAccountTest > NewAccountTest.files

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