This topic describes uploading files and folders to MySite.
Upload a file to MySite
If you are uploading an updated version of a file that is locked by you, Syncplicity creates a new version of the file as soon as the file upload completes.
Note: Rarely, if your lock expires while you are uploading the file and another user locks it before your upload is complete, Syncplicity creates a branch for your uploaded file by saving the file under a different file name. If your changes do not appear in the latest version of the file in the online file browser (OFB), check for copies that might have been created to resolve this corner case.
You cannot upload a new version of a file while the file is locked by another user. The OFB prompts you to save the file under a different name (for example, to create a branch of the file). As a result, your changes are saved to a new file and are not available in the master version of the locked file. When the lock on the file expires, you can upload a new version of the file; although, this overrides the changes made by the previous user. In this case, a best practice is to wait for the lock to expire and lock the file as your file to apply your changes in the master version of the file.
If you upload a new version of a file that was locked and then marked as deleted, the file and its lock are restored as follows:
- If the deleted file was locked by you, Syncplicity restores the file and creates a new version with the content that you uploaded.
- If the deleted file was locked by another user, Syncplicity restores the file to its version before the deletion, restores the lock, and creates a new branch for the content that you uploaded.
For example, if the owner of a locked file deleted it without unlocking, and you upload a new version of this file, the file will be restored and the lock will remain active until the lock duration expires. The content that you uploaded is saved as a copy, with a new filename. - If the lock has expired, Syncplicity creates a new version of the file with the content that you uploaded.
Upload multiple files to MySite
You cannot perform a batch file upload if the batch contains files that are locked by other users. The OFB cancels the upload and prompts you to save the locked files under different names (for example, to create copies). If you start to upload multiple files, and one (or multiple) file is locked by another user, Syncplicity automatically creates copies for all files that are locked by another user, and new versions for all files that are unlocked or locked by you.
If you upload multiple files and some of them have been locked and then marked for deletion, the locked files and their locks are restored as follows.
- If а deleted file was locked by you, Syncplicity restores the file and creates a new version with the content that you uploaded.
- If а deleted file was locked by another user, Syncplicity restores the file to its version before the deletion, restores the lock, and creates a new branch for the content that you uploaded.
For example, if the owner of a locked file deleted it without unlocking it, and you upload a new version of this file, the file is restored and the lock remains active until the lock duration expires. The content that you uploaded is saved as a copy, with a new filename. - If the lock has expired, Syncplicity creates a new version of the file with the content that you uploaded.
Upload folders to MySite
You can update folders in My Site by dragging them from Windows Explorer into the OFB window. This triggers an upload operation for all files in the folder. If the folder that you upload, or any of its subfolders, contains files that are locked by another user, those files are branched automatically during the upload.