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Lock a file

When you lock a file, you are creating the next version of the file, which is saved with same file name.

You can lock a file provided:

  • File locking is enabled for your company account.
  • You are the owner of the file or have editor privileges on the shared file that you want to lock.
  • As the editor, you have access to the shared content and the owner's company has the file locking feature enabled.
  1. Log in to
  2. Locate the file you want to lock.
  3. Right-click the file and select Lock or select lock from the toolbar. The Lock File dialog box opens.
  4. Select the lock duration from the drop-down menu. The maximum duration for the lock is 2 hours. The duration can be updated if additional time is needed.
  5. Click Lock.

A lock icon is displayed under the file name. Move your cursor over the lock icon to reveal who locked the file and the remaining lock duration.

The file unlocks when the lock duration expires, unless you unlock it first manually. You can change the lock duration before the lock expires. See Change the lock duration

Refresh the Files page to view the updated lock status. If you do not refresh the page, an expired lock may still be displayed. 

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