From My Site you can open MS Office files for online editing in Office Online. Office Online places its own locks on the files that you open for online editing by clicking Edit in browser. To edit an online file that you have locked, unlock it from Syncplicity first to allow Office Online to place its lock on the file. If you do not unlock the file in Syncplicity, Office Online opens it as a read-only copy for viewing only. You also can also use the App tab .
The following conditions apply:
- If another user has locked the file you want to edit, Syncplicity prompts you to contact the lock owner or view a read-only copy of the file.
- If another user is editing the file in Office Online, you can join the online editing session to collaborate on the file or open a read-only copy to view the latest saved version of the file.
- Read-only copies are not updated in real time. A read-only copy is a snapshot of the file from the moment you opened it. If a user continues to edit the file after you opened a read-only copy, you cannot view their latest updates.
- If you open a file for online editing but no longer are editing, Office Online releases the lock on the file after 60 minutes of inactivity or when you close it, whichever occurs first.