In your account notification settings (Account -> Email Notifications), you can set the email and digest notifications for your files and folders that are displayed in your activity feed.
Email notifications can be sent when the following events occur:
Event | Description |
Folders are shared with me | Include folders shared with you by other users. |
Folders are re-shared | Include folders you have access to and shared with other users. |
File changes in a shared folder | When enabled, you receive an email notification when a file is uploaded or a file is changed in all shared folders. Enable this setting on specific shared folders to minimize the number of notifications. |
Digest notifications aggregate events related to content changed and deleted, and are sent based on a selected frequency. By default, none are sent.
The following graphic shows account notification settings at Account > Notifications in My Syncplicity. These are account-wide settings. You can override settings at the folder level.
Folders shared across regions
When folders are shared across geographical regions, Syncplicity only sends share-folder notifications and re-share notifications for the owner. Excluded are events from folders that exist in different regions in digest and notifications about file changes. The following table describes the behavior when file changes are made in a folder that has been shared across different regions.
Case | United States region user receives notification | European Union region user receives notification |
Folder shared by user in US with user in EU and user in US makes file changes in this folder | Yes if a user is non-actor No for a user who made the changes |
No (by design) |
Folder shared by user in US with user in EU and another user in EU makes file changes in this folder | Yes | No (by design) |
Folder shared by user in EU with user in US and user in EU makes changes in this folder | No (by design) | Yes if a user is non-actor No for a user who made the changes |
Folder shared by user in EU with user in US and another US user makes changes in this folder | No (by design) | Yes |
Advanced use cases
The following table describes advanced use cases for news feed events in digests and file-change notifications. Generally, when several folders in the hierarchy are shared with the user, they receive a notification for the hierarchy once about the event in the folder that is root for the user in the hierarchy.
Case | Example | Owner | User 1 | User 2 |
Subfolders in hierarchy shared with users |
Subfolder shared with group containing owner and other user |
Several folders in one hierarchy shared with the same user directly |
Several folders in one hierarchy shared with the same user directly and via group |
Notification configuration
To configure notification settings for your account and for a folder, select Account > Notifications. The Account Notification Settings page is displayed. From this page, you can:
- Select if you want to receive email notifications for the events.
- Set the frequency for digest notifications.
- If you have set custom notifications for specific folders, you can view and edit the settings in the section titled Folders with custom notification settings (see next graphic).
Configure email notification settings for a folder
Use this procedure to configure notification settings for a folder in the My Syncplicity online file browser.
- Select Files in the top toolbar.
- Select a folder. Right-click and select Settings or click Settings in the black toolbar under Files.
- Enable Override Account Settings.
Here you can:
- Edit the settings (applied on that folder).
- Delete the settings and apply settings (for the account) on the folder (this folder will be removed from the list).
By default, notification settings that are applied to your account, are applied on your folders. However, you can override these settings for a folder.
Folder settings
- Applied to the current folder, all sub-folders and files.
- You can have your own settings for your folders or folders shared with you (in the same region). For instance, a folder owner and a participant can have different settings.
- If the folder is shared from other regions, you cannot configure settings and only receive the usual notification when the folder is shared with you (digest notifications are not available for these folders).
- If you do not have access to the folder anymore (for instance, when the folder is unshared or deleted), the applied settings are removed. If you restore a deleted folder with notification settings saved, the folder does not display on the "Folders with custom notification settings".
Override account settings
- You can overview your account settings for any top-level folder (syncpoint), including folders that I own and folders shared with me with Editor or Reader permissions (even if reshare is prohibited).
- Account notification settings can be overridden for top-level folders.
- When the account notification settings are overridden for a folder it is specific to you and not for all users of that folder.
- Notification settings for any type of folder (documents, music, pictures, desktop, etc.) can be overridden.
- If you set the same notification settings for a folder and an account, the override is not disabled; the settings are considered as custom. The folder is still displayed under Folders with custom notification settings. If you change your account settings, the overridden folder settings continue to be applied for this folder.
- When an admin impersonates a user, an admin (on behalf of user) can change notification settings for the user. However, the admin, who has impersonated the user does not receive any digest notifications.
Examples of notifications when file changes in a shared folder
The following are examples of email notifications that are sent when the option is enabled for file changes in a shared folder.
The following is an example of a notification when a file has been uploaded to a shared folder.
The following is an example of a notification when a file in a shared folder has been changed.
Configure email digest notifications
To configure the email frequency of digest notifications, from Folder > Settings > Notification, select the frequency of the digest notification from the drop-down list. Based on selected frequency, you will receive a notification of your account activities, including:
- A summary for the total count for individual events.
- Details of the events (the last five events are listed for each category).
- Links to the Activity feed for the specific file/folder.