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Outlook Add-in is not enabled or shown in the Outlook ribbon

The Syncplicity icon does not appear in the ribbon and the Outlook Add-in is not available if the add-in is disabled. You should check the list of Outlook add-ins and make sure that the Syncplicity Outlook Add-in is active or enabled.

The procedure to access Outlook add-ins differs between the Outlook releases. For Outlook 2010, you can access the list of add-ins as follows:

  1. Click the File tab in the Outlook menu bar.
  2. Click Options in the navigation bar on the left side.
  3. In the Options window, click Add-Ins in the navigation bar on the left side.
  4. At the top of the list of add-ins, make sure that Syncplicity for Outlook is in the list of Active Application Add-ins, as shown.

If Syncplicity for Outlook is not in the active list, search for it in the Inactive and Disabled lists. If you do not find it, most likely it is not installed and needs to be reinstalled.

If it is in the inactive list, perform the following:

  1. Go to the Manage field and select COM Add-ins in the drop-down list.
  2. Click the Go button.
  3. In the COM Add-ins window, find and click the box next to Syncplicity for Outlook then select OK.

If it is in the disabled list, perform the following:

  1. Go to the Manage field and select Disabled Items in the drop-down list.
  2. Click the Go button.
  3. In the Disabled Items window, select Syncplicity for Outlook then select Enable.
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