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Sharing a folder on Mac

As described in Understanding synchronizing and sharing folders, you can share a folder and all of the files and subfolders within it. You can also manage the participants. This topic describes how to perform the following options for sharing a folder on your Mac:

  • From Finder on your Mac
    • Share the folder 
    • Manage participants
  • From Syncplicity on your Mac
    • Share the folder 
    • Manager participants
  • Reshare folders as a recipient

  • Recipients of shared folders

NOTE: Syncplicity Enterprise Edition (EE) and Business Edition (BE) users may have policy restrictions, set by their administrator, that prohibits sharing with non-company users.

Manage folder sharing from Finder

As the owner of a folder you can share a folder and manage participants on your Mac via Finder.

Share a folder

As the Owner of a folder, you can share a folder from the Finder icon:

  1. Click on the Finder icon and select Syncplicity.
  2. Right-click on a folder and select Share folder.

  3. Enter (or copy & paste) the email addresses of the participants with whom you want to share the folder. Optionally, for users who have the Groups feature enabled, enter one or more group names. 
    NOTE: Policy restrictions may prevent sharing of files to specific email accounts.
  4. Select the Editor drop-down to set the permissions. You can restrict specific users to have read only access with the Reader permission or grant users to have Editor permission which allows them to modify files and folders within a shared folder. 
  5. Optionally, you can add a message for the recipient when they receive the shared link.
  6. If folder resharing is allowed, select Edit (at the bottom of the page) and specify who can share the folder
    • Only me: Specifies that only the Owner can share the folder and disables any sharing by other participants. 
    • Specified participants: Specifies that only specified participants can share the folder. When selected, the option Can share is available. Select this option for the participants whom you approve to share the folder. The Can share option is not available if Only me is selected.
    • All participants: Specifies that all participants can share the folder. When selected, you approve all participants within this folder to share the folder.
    • Notify me on resharing: Select to be notified when a folder is shared. This option is not available when Only me is selected.
  7. Click Share. Once the folder is shared, a notification displays that lets you know the folder has been shared.

Manage participants of a shared folder 

  1. Click the Finder icon and select Syncplicity.
  2. Right-click on a folder and select  Manage participants

From this page, you can:

  • Change the permission (Reader or Editor) by selecting the drop-down arrow to the right of the participant.
  • Add additional participants, by selecting the Add participants button.
  • Change who can share the folder by selecting Edit (at the bottom of the page). See Manage folder sharing from Syncplicity.

Manage folder sharing from Syncplicity 

As the Owner of a folder you can share a folder and manage participants on your Mac via Syncplicity.

  1. Click the Syncplicity icon ().
  2. Select Folders Owned by Me or Folders Owned by Others.
  3. Select the folder and select Share....
  4. Enter (or copy & paste) the email addresses of the participants whom you want to share the folder. Optionally, for users who have the Groups feature enabled, enter one or more group names. 
    NOTE: Policy restrictions may prevent sharing of files to specific email accounts.
  5. Optionally, you can add a message for the recipient when they receive the shared link.
  6. If folder resharing is allowed, select Edit (at the bottom of the page) and specify who can share the folder
    • Only me: Specifies that only the Owner can share the folder and disables any sharing by other participants. 
    • Specified participants: Specifies that only specified participants can share the folder. When selected, the option Can share is available. Select this option for the participants whom you approve to share the folder. The Can share option is not available if Only me is selected.
    • All participants: Specifies that all participants can share the folder. When selected, you approve all participants within this folder to share the folder.
    • Notify me on resharing: Select to be notified when a folder is shared. This option is not available when Only me is selected.
  7. Click Share. Once the folder is shared, a notification displays that lets you know the folder has been shared.

Reshare folders

Depending on the Owner's settings and policy settings for folders, a participant may be permitted to reshare folders with others. 

TIP: If you are not the Owner of the folder; although, you have Reader (not Editor) and sharing permissions, you can only grant Reader (not Editor) permission to the participants you want to share the folder with.

The external sharing policies are honored with the resharing of folders unless specific restrictions have been set by your company administrator. There are two folder sharing policies:

  • Folder sharing policy that determines whether a top-level folder can be shared externally or not. If sharing a folder externally is prohibited by the administrator, you can only share with users within your Syncplicity company account.
  • External user folder re-sharing policy that determines whether or not you can re-share a folder, or only re-share the folder as an editor. If you do not have the permission to re-share a folder, you also cannot manage participants for that folder.

For more information about external sharing policies see the Folder sharing policies.

Recipients of shared folders

If you are the recipient of a shared folder, you have access to the folder if you have a Syncplicity user account or when the Syncplicity client is running. As the recipient of a shared folder, you receive a notification in your inbox. You simply log in and follow the instructions on the screens.

TIP: If you do not have a Syncplicity account, you are prompted to create a temporary account with an email address and password to access the shared folder. 

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