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Unlinking your computer

Unlinking removes all your mapped folders and computer name. Unlinking is not recommended unless you want to log in using a different account or want to remove Syncplicity from your computer. If you unlink then decide to rejoin, you must log in, reinstall the Syncplicity client and remap your folders.

To unlink your computer from Syncplicity:

  1. Click the Syncplicity icon  in your taskbar.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Select the Account tab.
  4. Click Unlink this computer. Click Yes to confirm when prompted.

The  Unlink button is grayed out if the client is busy scanning or uploading or downloading files. Wait until the process is finished or open the Taskbar Panel to pause the process. Pausing synchronization is described in Using the Syncplicity Taskbar Panel.

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