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Deleting folders

You can delete top-level folders and subfolders. However, deleting a top-level folder is different than deleting a subfolder. You can delete folders in two ways, from your Windows Explorer and also from the Syncplicity client.

Delete top-level folders

When you delete a top-level synchronized folder from your Windows Explorer it is removed from your desktop; however, it is not deleted from your Syncplicity account. Also, when you delete a top-level synchronized folder from your Syncplicity account, it is not deleted from your desktop.

Windows Explorer

To delete a folder from Windows Explorer, navigate to the folders synchronized with Syncplicity within Windows Explorer.

To remove the folder from your SyncDrive, right-click on it and select Remove > Remove from this device from the context menu.

The deleted folder remains in your Syncplicity account. You can always re-map the folder to your computer from the Syncplicity Taskbar Panel.

To remove the folder from your Syncplicity account altogether, right-click on it and select Remove > Delete everywhere from the menu. You will be asked to confirm your decision - click Yes

If the folder is located outside your SyncDrive, you can also choose whether to remove it from your computer by ticking the respective checkbox.


To delete a folder from the Syncplicity client:

  1. Click the Syncplicity icon  in your taskbar.
  2. Click Manage in the Taskbar Panel. The Manage Folders window is displayed.
  3. Select the folder you want to delete.
  4. Click the More Options button OR right-click on the folder then select Delete folder (to remove it from your Syncplicity account) or Remove from this device (to remove it from your local SyncDrive). 

  5. If you click on Delete Folder, you are asked to confirm your decision. Click Yes to delete the folder.

TIP: The checkbox for "Delete the folder from this computer" is displayed only for folders located outside your SyncDrive. Tick it if you want to delete the folder both from your Syncplicity account and your machine. The folder will then be sent to your Recycle Bin.

NOTE: If you are the Owner of this deleted folder, the folder is deleted from the shared users. If you are an Editor or Reader, there is no change for other shared users on this folder.

Delete subfolders

If you delete a synchronized subfolder from Windows Explorer and you are either the Owner or Editor, the folder is deleted from your Syncplicity account. The deleted subfolder is automatically placed in the Deleted Items on your Syncplicity account. You can restore these deleted sub-folders using MySyncplicity. Only the Owner has the ability to permanently delete the folder from the Deleted Items.

If you are a Reader, the subfolder is not deleted from the Syncplicity account; however, it is no longer synced with your Syncplicity account.


NOTE: If you are an Owner or have Editor privileges on this deleted folder, deleting the folder from Syncplicity also deletes the folder for the shared users.

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