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Understanding synchronizing and sharing folders on Windows

You can synchronize folders between your computer and your Syncplicity account. When you synchronize, the content is stored in both your desktop and a Syncplicity cloud or a storage area designated by your IT department.

When you synchronize a folder on your desktop client, all the folders and files within that folder are also synchronized by default. This folder becomes a top-level folder. Any folder within that folder is a subfolder. Files are synchronized only when in a folder that is synchronized.

TIP: You can see your top-level folders by clicking Manage in the Syncplicity Taskbar Panel, as described in Using the Syncplicity Taskbar Panel.

You can choose to share content that has been synchronized or otherwise available in your Syncplicity account. When you share content, you grant access to other users. When you share a file, only that file is shared. When you share a folder, all the files and folders within that folder are shared.

Ownership and permissions

The person who shares the folder or file is the owner. As the owner, you have unique permissions to the shared content.

When you share a folder, you can grant Editor or Reader permissions to other users:

  • An Editor can add or change content.
  • A Reader can only view content.

When you share your folder with other users, those users can, in turn, share the folder with others. However, a user with Reader permission can grant only Reader permission when sharing the folder.

Users can change permissions or remove only those users that they invited to share the folder. As the owner, you can change permissions or remove any user, even those you did not directly invite.

Only the owner can permanently delete any subfolder or file in a shared folder.

Sharing folders

Any folder on your desktop can be shared. You are able to share any sub-folder of an already existing shared folder with additional participants. See Sharing a subfolder for more details.

Special folders

Synchronization for the special Windows folders, My Documents, Desktop, Music, and Pictures, is slightly different. These special folders do not act as top-level folders; therefore, you can synchronize any folder in any of these special folders, including your folders and any folders shared with you. Any changes in those synchronized folders are not reflected to My Documents, Desktop, Music or Pictures respectively.

In the following diagram, the Pictures folder contains the Screenshots folder that was shared with you, and the New York Trip folder that you own and have shared. Both folders have been synchronized inside the Pictures folder.

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