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Sharing a file on Android

You can share your files with others using the shared link feature. A shared link is a URL that recipients can click to open the file in a web browser.

You can create a public shared link, which is accessible to anyone who has the URL, or you can create a secured shared link, where you can restrict who accesses the file. If you are on a Personal Edition plan, you can create only public shared links.

Depending on how your administrator has configured link sharing, some of the options might be unavailable.




  1. Navigate to a file to share, tap the contextual menu and then tap Share link to open the Share link screen.
  2. Specify who can access the file: anyone or specific recipients. If specific recipients, you can type multiple email addresses and a message.
  3. If prompted, specify in days when the shared link expires and becomes invalid.
  4. If available, enable Require password if you want this option. Use the auto-generated password or type your own.
  5. Tap Create Link if you are sharing the link with anyone. 
  6. If the link requires a password, tap Copy password or Share password using (a menu of available options) to share it with the recipients. 
  7. Tap Copy Link and share the URL with recipients. Alternatively, tap Email Link to share the URL by email.
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