The Files app brings together all your files in this iOS. Using Files app, you can browse in one place the files stored on your device and on Syncplicity. Apple owns and maintains the Files app for iPhone. This topic describes how to use Syncplicity with the Files app.
To add your Syncplicity to the Files app, download and sign in to the Syncplicity iOS app 4.6.0 or later.
NOTE: If the iOS Syncplicity app is uninstalled, it is removed from Files app.
Accessing Syncplicity from Files app
- Open the Files app.
- Go into edit mode.
- Enable the Syncplicity location.
- Under locations, tap on Syncplicity.
- View all files and folders.
What you can do
In Syncplicity on the Files app you can:
- Browse files
- View files
- Download files
- Copy files
- Create folders
- Delete files and folders
- Search in Syncplicity for files and folders
Not supported
The following features are not supported in Syncplicity for Files app.
- Offline folders for easy access
- Files and folder tags in Files app
- Move file or folder from Syncplicity to another location
- Edit content in a file within Files app
- Rename files and folders
- Recently accessed files
- Recover recently deleted Syncplicity files from the Recently Deleted menu
- If a passcode is set up for the Syncplicity app, Syncplicity folders are not available in the Files app
- To recover deleted files, use the iOS Syncplicity app to restore the files.
- Offline files can be viewed in the Syncplicity iOS app from the Offline option.