You can upload files managed by other apps, to a folder in your Syncplicity account.
Opening the menu
Tap Add Content from the main screen or Add from the context menu of a folder to open the following menu then tap Upload to view its menu. For example:
The menu options include:
- Photos allows you to select an existing photo or video in your device and upload it to a Syncplicity folder. This is described in Uploading photos and videos.
- Browse allows you to view recently opened documents and the apps on your device that are considered storage providers.
- One or more app names may appear in the menu. These app names are controlled by the Browse menu option.
- Cancel allows you to exit the Upload.
Adding apps
To add apps with file management capabilities to your Upload menu:
- Tap Browse to display a list of file management apps.
- Choose which apps you want to display in your Upload menu (tap the enable button to the right of the app name).
- Click Done.
If you have different apps, you can have some apps enabled and other disabled. For example, if you four apps:
- Documents and Drive can be enabled and display in the Upload menu.
- Dropbox and Syncplicity can be disabled and do not display in the Upload menu.
Uploading files
To upload files managed by another app:
- Tap the name of the app then navigate to the file to upload.
- Tap the file. You are taken to the Upload screen. In the upper right corner, Upload (1) indicates that one file is selected.
- Optionally, you can change the file name by tapping the pencil icon.
- Select a destination folder. Alternatively, if you have previously uploaded files, you can choose a folder from the recent folders. If this is your first upload, this section is empty.
- Make sure that the correct folder name appears in the Upload Destination
- Tap Upload. The file is uploaded.