The contextual actions on a folder include Share, Offline, Follow, Create Folder, Add, and Delete. The actions you can take on top-level folders are slightly different from the actions you can take on subfolders.
Top-level folders
Tap Files in the main menu to display your list of top-level folders.
Tap the menu icon to the right of a folder to open the folder menu. Alternately, open the folder then tap the menu icon at the top.
Depending on your permissions for this folder, you may not see all the menu items. Also, the Copy function is available only when opening the folder then selecting the menu bar.
- Share: Allows you to share this folder with other users. If the folder is already shared, you can manage the existing shared participants for this folder or you can share this folder with new participants. See the Sharing a folder article for more information.
- Offline: Marking a folder as Offline downloads the folder and its contents to your device and syncs it, allowing you to access the contents while offline. Changes to the folder and its contents are automatically downloaded. If a folder is already marked as a favorite, selecting Offline from the menu removes the folder from your favorites list. When a folder is marked as Offline, the folder menu shows the Offline option in blue and the folder has a star on its icon:
See the About Offline files and folders article for more information.
- Follow: When you follow a folder, the activities of the folder and its contents are shown in the Followed Items screen, which is accessible from the Activity screen. See About activity for more information.
- Copy: Tap this option to copy the files within the folder. You must be within the folder to access the Copy option. See Copying files for more information.
- Create Folder: This action creates a subfolder inside the current top-level folder. See Creating folders for more information.
- Add: This action provides a menu with Capture, Upload, Create, and Record. Each choice, essentially, allows you to upload content to the folder. See the various articles under Managing files for more information.
- Delete: This action deletes the top-level folder and all its contents. See Deleting folders for more information.
Click the X at the bottom of the folder menu to close it.
Navigate to the folder you wish to manage. If the folder is in a list of folders, tap the menu icon to the right of a folder. If the folder is opened and you are seeing its contents, tap the menu icon in the top bar.
- Share: Enables you to share a folder.
- Offline: Marking a folder as Offline downloads the folder and its contents to your device and syncs it, allowing you to access the contents while offline. Changes to the folder and its contents are automatically downloaded. If a folder is already marked as Offline, selecting Offline from the menu removes the folder from your favorites list. When a folder is marked as a favorite, the folder menu shows the Offline option in blue and the folder has a star on its icon:
See About Offline files and folders for more information.
- Follow: Tap to follow or unfollow a folder.
- Copy: Tap this option to copy any files within the folder. See the Copying files article for more information.
- Create Folder: This action creates a folder inside the current folder. See Creating folders for more information.
- Search: Enables you to search a folder.
- Delete: This action deletes the subfolder and all its contents. See Deleting folders for more information.
Click the X at the bottom of the folder menu to close it.