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Filtering and searching on iPhone

The Syncplicity app provides the capability to quickly filter the list of folders or search for a folder by name. You can filter folders to view these types:

  • All, private, or shared folders, but only at the top level of folders.
  • For shared folders, you can further filter by owner, as described in the Viewing shared folders article.

You cannot filter subfolders, but you can sort them by name, type, size, or date, as described in the Sorting subfolders article.

Top-level folders

To access the filters for the top-level folders, go to the files screen which you can access from the main menu by tapping Files. Tap the menu icon on the right side in the top bar. This displays the contextual menu for the top-level folders. Tap the down arrow under Filters or pull down.


Tap All to see all the folders, Private to see only your unshared folders, or Shared to see only the shared folders. You can also sort by folder name in ascending or descending order. You can also choose to view the folders marked for deletion by tapping the Show Deleted Files button. In the example above, the Show Deleted Files is off. When done, tap the X at the bottom of the screen to close the menu and see the results of your filter.

Any deleted folders or files have these icons, respectively: mceclip1.png


Tap Search to search for a specific folder or file. When searching, the Syncplicity app searches only in the level where you performed the search. You can search in files and folders. Folders are ordered first and then files are shown. p> As you type, the screen automatically lists those folders and files that match the text you entered. If viewing shared folders by other users, the search text applies to user names instead of folder names.


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