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Working with Offline files and folders on iPad

Files and folders marked as Offline are synced locally on the iPad. You can access the Offline files and folders anytime, including when you are offline.

The Offline view displays the list of all files and folders marked as Offline. The Offline view is the same as the Navigation view with the exception you can browse through the content quickly because the content has already synced on your device.

The contextual options for the files and folders marked as Offline remain the same as in the Files view. You can also search or filter the files and folders just like you can in the Files view. During this time, you will see a spinner on the folder or file indicating that it is being Offlined. You can continue to do other work in Syncplicity while the favorites process runs in the background.

You should Offline any file or folder that you access frequently, including when you are on the move or offline. However, when you Offline a large folder or file it can take a long time as well as space on your device. 

If you are configured to access SharePoint sites or network shares, you can also Offline the files and folders in those accounts. As described in About SharePoint and network share accounts, the folders and files in each account are separate from each other. Offline folders and files within one account do not appear in the other account's Offline.

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