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Opening and editing files on iPad

You can open files stored in your Syncplicity folders, including folders shared with you, from the Syncplicity app. You also can edit specific file types using the Syncplicity app. In addition, you can open and edit files in your Syncplicity folders using other apps.

Editing files in the Syncplicity app

You can edit Microsoft Office files and annotate PDF files in the Syncplicity app, as described in Creating and editing Microsoft Office files and Annotating a PDF document, respectively.

Open-in feature

The open-in feature from the file contextual menu allows you to open the file in any of the apps on your iPad that can open this type of file. Once you tap Open In, you see the list of apps. Select the app you want to open the file. The app opens a copy of the file, which is no longer under the control of the Syncplicity app; the original file remains in your Syncplicity account.

You cannot use this feature to edit the file. Also, your administrator may disallow use of the open-in feature.

Specific file types impose download limitations.

  • For video files, there is a maximum download file size of 250 MB. 
  • For document files (MS Office, text), there is a maximum download file size of 100 MB.

Opening and editing files from another app

You can open and edit files stored in your Syncplicity folders from another app, without leaving the app or opening the Syncplicity app. The changes are saved in your Syncplicity folder as a new version of the file.

For example, you can open a file stored in your Syncplicity folder from a Microsoft Office app, such as Word, edit it and then save. However, you cannot use the Office app to create a file and then save it to your Syncplicity account.

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