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Contextual actions on folders on iPad

Folders in Syncplicity are broadly classified into two types: top-level folders and subfolders. The contextual actions for these two types of folders are different because certain actions are available only to one type or the other.

Contextual actions for top-level folders

Go to the Files screen and then tap the context menu to the right of a top-level folder. 


  • Follow: When you follow a folder, the activities of the folder and its contents are shown in Activity Feed for easy access. See   for more information.
  • Activity: Shows the list of activities for this top-level folder. Activities include creation, modification and deletion of files and folders inside this top-level folder. The activity list also shows who performed the specific activity and when the activity was performed. For example, selecting Activity in the screenshot above shows the activities of the Administration folder.
  • Folder: Creates a subfolder inside the top-level folder. 
  • Add: Select Add or Add Content to create and upload content to this folder. A separate section explains how to create and upload content. Selecting Add here, by default, uploads any content to this folder. However, at the time of uploading, you can select a different folder or a subfolder inside this folder.
  • Share: Share action shares this folder with other users in Syncplicity. Selecting the option opens a Manage and Share flow. You can manage the existing shared participants for this folder or you can share this folder with new participants.
  • Offline: When you Offline a top-level folder, it downloads its contents to your device and syncs it. Changes to the folder and its contents are downloaded. Once it is Offline, you can access the contents of this folder quickly anytime, even if offline. Offline any top-level folder that you want to frequently use and use it on the go. Once you Offline a folder, an orange Offline icon on the top right corner of the folder is displayed. The Offline icon in the context menu also indicates that the folder has been Offlined. You can select the Offline option in context menu again remove this folder from Offline.
    Tip: Offlining a large folder with lot of content can take a lot of time depending on your network speed. You may want to Offline specific subfolders instead of top-level folders
  • Delete: Delete of a top-level folder works differently than other subfolders. If you are owner of a folder, private or a shared, deleting a top-level folder deletes it permanently. This is an irreversible action. You should be very careful in deleting a top-level folder. On the other hand, deleting a folder which is shared with you and you are an editor or reader, deletes the folder locally from your account. No other user is impacted. Effectively, you are unshared from that folder.

Contextual action for the drop-down bar inside top-level folders has the same options as the contextual menu for top-level folders mentioned above.

Contextual actions for subfolders

For subfolders, the following contextual actions are available:

  • Folder: Folder or Create folder creates a subfolder inside this subfolder. For example, in the above screenshot, selecting Folder lets you enter a folder name and create a folder with that name inside this Customer Marketing subfolder. The only time you cannot create a folder is when you have read-only permission on the top-level folder.
  • Add: Select Add or Add Content to create and upload content to this subfolder. A separate section explains how to create and upload content. Selecting Add, by default, uploads any content inside this subfolder. However, at the time of uploading, you can select a different folder or another folder inside this subfolder.
  • Share: Shares this folder with other users in Syncplicity.
  • Offine: Just like off-lining a top-level folder, off-lining a subfolder downloads it and its contents to your device and syncs it. Changes to the folder and its contents are downloaded. Once offline, you can access the contents of this folder quickly anytime, even if offline. Offline any sublevel folder that you want to frequently use and use it on the go. Once you offline a folder, you see an offline icon. The offline icon in the context menu also indicates that the folder has been off-lined. You can select the Offline option in context menu again to Unfavorite this folder.
  • Delete: Delete works differently for a subfolder than a top-level folder. For subfolders under top-level folders you own or where you are an editor, deleting the subfolder deletes it and puts the subfolder and all its contents into deleted items from where this folder can be restored or deleted permanently. For subfolders inside top-level folders where you are a reader, you cannot delete the subfolder and you get an appropriate message.

The contextual action for drop-down bar inside subfolders has the same options as the contextual menu for subfolders mentioned previously.


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