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About PrivacyRegions

Syncplicity PrivacyRegions allows users to select which global region they will use for their account. Meta-data, including personally identifiable information (PII) such as first name, last name, and email address will be stored in the selected PrivacyRegion.

PrivacyRegions is available only to Enterprise Edition accounts and their designated Personal Edition sharing participants.

Currently, the following PrivacyRegions are available:

  • US PrivacyRegion - PII and meta-data handled by Syncplicity are stored and processed only in US.
  • EU PrivacyRegion - PII and meta-data handled by Syncplicity are stored and processed only in Europe.

To select your desired PrivacyRegion, accept the default selection provided or indicate your option in the Enterprise Edition Trial Registration or Personal Edition Account Activation form.



NOTE:  Once the new account is created, it is not possible to change the selected PrivacyRegion.

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