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Deleting folders and files

The following information describes the behavior and impact when a user deletes a top-level folder, subfolder, or file when accessing the Syncplicity account using the My Syncplicity website, desktop client or mobile app.

As a general rule, the owner can permanently delete an item while editors and readers effectively unshare the item. Also, the reader can only delete content from their account, and any changes are not reflected in anyone else's account.

The news feed or activity feed displays an event when a top-level folder, subfolder, or file is deleted from everyone's account and when top-level folder is restored but does not display an event if the subfolder or file is restored.

NOTE: The Deleted files retention policy, set by an administrator, only applies to subfolders and files, not top-level folders.

Owner deletes a top-level folder

The following describes the actions when an owner deletes a top-level folder from these devices:

  • My Syncplicity website
    The folder and its contents are marked as deleted and are subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. The owner can restore or permanently delete the folder if it has not been deleted by a retention policy. The owner has ability to restore participants if the top-level folder is a shared folder.If this folder or any files within is marked as a favorite, it is removed from all Favorites lists.For desktop client users, any local copy of the folder remains on the desktop but is no longer synced. However, depending on the admin remote wipe policy, local copies on desktops might be deleted.
  • Desktop client (Windows or Mac) 
    The folder and its contents are deleted locally only. The folder remains available in the Syncplicity account and can be accessed using the My Syncplicity web site and mobile apps.
  • Manage Folders in the Windows desktop client
    This is the same as deleting the top-level folder from My Syncplicity. However, the user is given a choice to also delete the folder locally.
  • Syncplicity mobile app
    This is the same as deleting the top-level folder from My Syncplicity.

Editor or reader deletes a top-level folder

The following describes the actions when an editor or reader deletes a top-level folder from these devices:

  • My Syncplicity website
    The folder and its contents are only deleted from that user's account. Local copies remain on the user's machine, but not in sync.
  • Desktop client (Windows or Mac)
    The folder and its contents are deleted locally only. The folder remains available in the Syncplicity account and can be accessed using the My Syncplicity website and mobile apps.
    NOTE: The Mac desktop client has an option to permanently delete a folder from Syncplicity account but keep the local copies.
  • Manage Folders in the Windows desktop client
    This is the same as deleting the top-level folder from My Syncplicity. However, the user is given a choice to also delete the folder locally.
  • Syncplicity mobile app
    This is the same as deleting the top-level folder from My Syncplicity.

Owner deletes a subfolder

The following describes the actions when an owner deletes a subfolder from these devices:

  • My Syncplicity website
    The subfolder and its contents are marked as deleted and are subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. The owner can restore or permanently delete the subfolder if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.
  • Desktop client (Windows or Mac)
    The subfolder and its contents are marked as deleted and are subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. From My Syncplicity or a mobile app (not the desktop), the owner can restore or permanently delete the subfolder if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.When restoring a subfolder, it is restored on the desktop if it was synced locally
  • Manage Folders in the Windows desktop client
    There is no option to delete subfolders from this location.
  • Syncplicity mobile app
    The subfolder and its contents are marked as deleted and are subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. From My Syncplicity or a mobile app (not the desktop), the owner can restore or permanently delete the subfolder if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.

NOTE: If the owner of a subfolder deletes it permanently from the desktop client and from the My Syncplicity site, but at the same time the desktop client of a user with whom the subfolder was shared uploads new data to the subfolder, the deleted subfolder will be recreated to avoid data loss. 

Editor or reader deletes a subfolder

The following describes the actions when an editor or reader deletes a subfolder from these devices:

  • My Syncplicity website
    For an editor, the subfolder and its contents are marked as deleted and are subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. The user can restore but not permanently delete the subfolder if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.A reader cannot delete a subfolder.
  • Desktop client (Windows or Mac)
    For an editor, the subfolder and its contents are marked as deleted and are subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. From My Syncplicity or a mobile app (not the desktop), the editor can restore but not permanently delete the subfolder if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.For a reader, the subfolder and its contents are deleted from the user's machine. This action does not reflect in anyone else's folder.
  • Manage Folders in the Windows desktop client
    There is no option to delete subfolders from this location.
  • Syncplicity mobile app
    For an editor, the subfolder and its contents are marked as deleted and are subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. The user can restore but not permanently delete the subfolder if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.A reader cannot delete a subfolder.

Owner deletes a file

The following describes the actions when an owner deletes a file from these devices:

  • My Syncplicity web site
    The file is marked as deleted and subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. The owner can restore or permanently delete the file if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.
  • Desktop client (Windows or Mac)
    The file is marked as deleted and subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. From My Syncplicity or a mobile app (not the desktop), the owner can restore or permanently delete the file if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.
  • Syncplicity mobile app
    The file is marked as deleted and subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. The owner can restore or permanently delete the file if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.

Editor or reader deletes a file

The following describes the actions when an editor or reader deletes a file from these devices:

  • My Syncplicity website
    For an editor, the file is marked as deleted and subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. The user can restore but not permanently delete the deleted file if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.A reader cannot delete a file.
  • Desktop client (Windows or Mac)
    For an editor, the file is marked as deleted and subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. From My Syncplicity or a mobile app (not the desktop), the user can restore but not permanently delete the file if it has not been deleted by a retention policy.For a reader, the file is deleted from the user's machine. This action does not reflect in anyone else's folder.
  • Syncplicity mobile app
    For an editor, the file is marked as deleted and subject to any data retention policy set by the administrator. The user can restore but not permanently delete the deleted file if it has not been deleted by a retention policy. A reader cannot delete a file.
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