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AD Sync Tool release notes

October 2020

АD Sync Tool 1.1.4

The operating system of the AD Sync OVA is updated to CentOS 7.8.

AD Sync Tool v1.1.4 introduces the following changes:

  • Proxy support for connections to the AD and Syncplicity
  • Fix allowing the tool to work with Active Directories with .intern and other non-common top level domain names.

The AD Sync Tool is available free for download and the documentation is available upon request from Syncplicity support.

July 2019

АD Sync Tool 1.1.2

The operating system of the AD Sync OVA is updated to CentOS 7.6.

AD Sync Tool v1.1.2 introduces improvements to the LDAP account synchronization mechanism as follows.

  • If the connection to the LDAP server is interrupted, the synchronization process stops. This fixes the issue with deleted user accounts in Syncplicity if the connection to the LDAP server is interrupted during synchronization.
  • The information for AD users retrieved during a scan operation is added to a cache. If the connection to the LDAP server is interrupted, the user scan process stops. This allows the proper handling of multiple userScan configurations in the userScans section of the adsync.xml, and fixes the issue with disabled user accounts in Syncplicity.
  • Users in status Pending Offboarding are no longer deleted from Syncplicity.

The AD Sync Tool is available free for download and the documentation is available upon request from Syncplicity support.

December 2016

AD Sync Tool 1.1.0

A new release of the AD Sync Tool (v1.1.0) has been released that introduces secure credentials configuration for Active Directory and Syncplicity. This version also adds configurable attribute mapping which allows non-default email, first or last name mappings between AD and Syncplicity to be used.

The AD Sync Tool is available on request from Syncplicity and is provided with full documentation covering installation, configuration, operation and troubleshooting.

September 2016

AD Sync Tool 1.0.0

The AD Sync Tool is a new Syncplicity tool for synchronizing users, groups and group membership from Active Directory (AD) to Syncplicity. It can be deployed on-premise by means on an OVA (Open Virtualization Archive) and scheduled to run on a regular interval to provision users, groups and group membership in Syncplicity. The tool can be configured to sync the relevant users and groups into Syncplicity and the tool provides some helper utilities to check connectivity and perform a dry-run to ensure correct selection of users and groups from AD.

The AD Sync Tool is available on request from support and is provided with full documentation covering installation, configuration, operation and troubleshooting.

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