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HTML Wrapping for protected files

HTML wrapping allows you to easily open and view protected files in a browser without installing an agent. By default, HTML wrapping is enabled for protected files, providing a better user experience when viewing the file.

Rules for HTML Wrapping

The following rules apply to HTML Wrapping:

  • When HTML Wrapping is enabled, the protected file's extension changes after the file is downloaded. For example, a file with a .docx extension will be downloaded as a docx.html.
    • If the Syncplicity Rights Management plugin is installed, no changes are made to the extension but the the file icon changes to the icon of the original file type.  The file automatically opens in your native application using the plugin.  
    • If the Syncplicity Rights Management plugin is not installed, you will be alerted to download the plugin or to open the file online directly from the shared file landing page.
    • Note: To enable the benefits of HTML Wrapping, javascript must be enabled in the web browser used to open the HTML wrapped file.
  • When HTML Wrapping is disabled, after downloading the file, no changes are made to the file extension or icon. Protected files can only be opened after the Syncplicity Rights Management plugin is installed.

IRM protected local file formats


HTML Wrapped Protected File

Standard Protected File

With Plugin

Opens seamlessly in local App

Opens seamlessly in local App

Without Plugin

Opens seamlessly in online viewer

Fails to open, displays error and displays link to plugin download  page in local app

Source of file

Landing Page Download
(HTML Wrapping enabled)


  • Landing Page Download (HTML Wrapping disabled)
  • MS Office (Save As)
  • Online Editor (download)

View in File explorer

 With Plugin 

Without Plugin 

With Plugin 

Without Plugin 

Other Considerations

Typically 30% larger in size

File listing does not change;  no Explorer indication that file is encrypted

Enable HTML wrapping

  1. Select Admin → Settings.
  2. Under the Enterprise Edition Features section, select Configure Syncplicity Rights Management.
    The Configure Syncplicity Rights Management page displays.
  3. Enable the HTML Wrapping toggle.

NOTE: Even if HTML wrapping is enabled, saving (Save-As) an IRM-protected file in a local MS Office App or downloading the file from the online viewer/editor results in the file being saved in a Standard Protected File format on the local system.

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