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The DLP service is unavailable


The DLP service is running, but the application does not operate as expected. The following error message appears in the DLP log file in directory /var/log/syncp-das/ on the DLP appliance.

Can't generate JWT token .FileNotFoundException: Can't find keystore


The DLP Connector is unable to generate the JWT token due to configuration issues with the Java keystore.


  • Check the DLP Connector configuration file /etc/syncp-das/syncp-das.conf to ensure that the location of the keyStore.p12 is configured correctly. See section Configure DLP Settings on page Install and configure the DLP/AV Connector.
  • Verify that the Java keystore has read access for the syncp-das user. 
    For example, you can set the owner for the keystore by running hte following command. 
    sudo chown syncp-das:syncp-das /etc/syncp-das/keyStore.p12


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