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Verify the Installation

Previous step:

Configure the Storage Connector

  1. On each Storage Connector server, type the following command to confirm that the Storage Connector is running correctly:
    sudo service syncp-storage status
    If the service is running correctly the following message appears:
    syncp-storage (pid <process_id>) is running...
  2. For each Storage Connector server, type the following URL into a browser to confirm that the Storage Connector service is accessible:
    If the service is accessible, the following message appears in the browser:
    If you are not able to access the service using a browser then on each Storage Connector server type the following command:
    curl http://<storage_connector_host_or_IP>:9000/ping
    If the service is accessible, then the following message appears:

After the verification, the next step is to point the Syncplicity account to the Storage Connector URL, which is described in the Adding and Editing StorageVaults article.

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