Previous step:
Configure SSL on the Storage Connector server
If the backed of your storage is Atmos, s3, or Azure blob storage, you can skip this task.
Configure Storage Connector with NFS
When using a networked mountpoint for storage and the mount is lost, the Storage Connector does not stop automatically. As a result, the Storage Connector may begin to save files on the local file system. To prevent this issue, use the "chattr" command to make the mountpoint where sync-storage saves the content to be immutable. When NFS is mounted at the mountpoint, the permissions of the NFS-mounted storage override the local mountpoint permissions. As long as the NFS mount is present, the Storage Connector can write to the mountpoint.
Here is an example of using the "chattr" command:
#> mkdir /mnt/syncp
#>chattr +i /mnt/syncp
Configure Isilon
If your storage backend of choice is Isilon, you must mount the dedicated Syncplicity share to the server at /mnt/syncp. Use the NFS filesystem type. To make sure that the Isilon share is mounted automatically at system startup:
- Type:
sudo vi /etc/fstab
- Add the following line to the file:
<Isilon_cluster_name_or_IP_address>:/ <Syncplicity_data_directory> <mount_point> nfs rw
is the value you have set for the key "rootdir" for the platform section (Isilon, VNX, fs) in the config file /etc/syncp-storage/syncp-storage.conf.
Do not include the addr=<server> option since this can cause connectivity issues to Isilon. /mnt/syncdata nfs rw
- Type:
sudo mount <mount_point>
For production environments, ensure that the Isilon cluster name (used in the NFS mount entry in /etc/fstab) is a SmartConnect DNS name for the Isilon cluster and that the SmartConnect settings are configured for Dynamic IP Addresses. This ensures that the Storage Connectors can leverage the high availability (HA) features of the EMC Isilon architecture. Configuring the mount options to access a SmartConnect zone also maximizes performance to the EMC Isilon cluster.
NOTE: The Isilon storage should have a directory created specifically for Syncplicity data. This directory must have its permissions and NFS export configured for the Storage Connectors, as described in the Configuring Isilon storage procedure in the Prerequisites article.
Configure Standard NFS Storage
If your storage backend of choice uses a standard NFS interface (excluding Isilon), you must mount a dedicated Syncplicity share to the server at /mnt/syncp. Make sure that you use the NFS filesystem type. To verify that the NFS share is mounted automatically at system startup:
- Type:
sudo vi /etc/fstab
- Add the following line to the file:
/<mount_point> nfs rw
is the value you have set for the key "rootdir" for the platform section (Isilon, VNX, fs) in the config file /etc/syncp-storage/syncp-storage.conf. /mnt/syncdata nfs rw